11:03:23 From Membership Relations to Everyone: If you have any questions for John, please drop them in the Q&A box and he will answer them at the end of his presentation. 11:04:08 From judy to Everyone: So glad this is being recorded. Please let us know how we can share this event. 11:04:46 From Membership Relations to Everyone: Absolutely Judy, I will share the link with everyone once it is posted. 11:12:04 From Janna to Everyone: Thank you for saying the word "abortion". 11:12:59 From Marian Starkey to Hosts and panelists: Janna, the March issue of our magazine uses the word “abortion” about a thousand times. I’m sending the final draft to the printer today! 11:13:07 From Gregory to Everyone: The relentless anti-abortion politics of the Republican Party are how much of a roadblock to addressing the Population-CO2nnection in the U.S. and beyond? 11:15:18 From vicki to Everyone: in the graph of population projections -- what assumption is made about death rates? 11:16:47 From Charles to Hosts and panelists: Probably it’s also worth noting that high levels of consumption in the rich countries also drive deforestation across the globe. 11:16:48 From Virginia to Hosts and panelists: Texas has terrible laws against women’s health under Texas Governor Abbott. 11:17:15 From judy to Everyone: In my city, El Paso, ALL politicians want “Growth” (meaning more people). To be against growth is political suicide. How can we reframe this topic? 11:17:23 From Membership Relations to Charles Hathaway and all panelists: Great point Charles! 11:18:23 From Nan to Everyone: @judy--great question! 11:21:38 From judy to Everyone: I give $s to organizations that are trying reduce the unmet need for contraception. Which organizations are most effective? 11:25:16 From DR CAROLE to Everyone: Some of the slides would be good for an instagram message. Can they be used for this purpose once received? 11:26:04 From vicki to Everyone: I think those estimates of sustainable population are way over reality. Food is not necessarily the limiting factor -- likely to be water, renewable energy, etc. 11:26:04 From Lawrence to Everyone: Excellent presentation. Very easy to grasp concepts! 11:26:05 From Charles to Hosts and panelists: “Sufficient food” for humans is only part of the story, right? What’s also important is how much land we’re leaving for the rest of the world’s species. 11:26:58 From Neela to Everyone: Will you provide emails to members when the bill you mentioned comes up for a vote, the one to ban the gag rule and increase funding for contraception? We'd love to call our senators/reps to let them know how important it is to us. 11:26:59 From Sandy to Hosts and panelists: As someone who provided both obstetrical + abortion services, thanks again for your frank speech. 11:27:23 From Lawrence to Everyone: In a wealthy country, resources, unfortunately, appear unlimited. We just buy more... 11:27:23 From Membership Relations to Everyone: John's Email: john@popconnect.org 11:28:11 From Lawrence to Everyone: Global warming is renamed climate change or climate crisis. 11:28:22 From Shirley to Everyone: I hope the Q&A part of this presentation will be included on the post-session recording. Unfortunately, I have a 1pm appointment so have to leave shortly but will plan to watch the rest of this presentation later. Thank you, Population Connection!! 11:28:26 From Gregory to Everyone: Some great Population political/editorial cartoons here! Might Population Connection sponsor a Student (or all-ages) Editorial Cartoon Contest in addition to the yearly Student Population Video Contest?! 11:29:36 From Yasmeen Silva to Everyone: Hi Neela, Yasmeen, our National Field Manager here! If you are in the Population Connection Action Fund list we will be sure to keep you in the loop with any and all legislative actions that folks can take! 11:30:20 From Roger to Everyone: It's important to contact your Senators about a vote (even though the Reconciliation package vote will be mostly party line), but also more broadly to open a conversation and educate them on the issue. 11:30:36 From Erica to Everyone: The best way to reduce one's carbon footprint is one the government isn't telling you about: https://www.science.org/content/article/best-way-reduce-your-carbon-footprint-one-government-isn-t-telling-you-about 11:31:18 From Virginia Schilz to Hosts and panelists: How can we get Americans to understand about Population Pressures and how it impacts their own lives? 11:31:25 From Membership Relations to Everyone: Hi Neela, we also have the "Contact Congress" page on our website with more info on how you can get in touch with your representative! https://populationconnection.org/act/contact-congress/ 11:32:22 From Taylor to Everyone: Yes on science. Statistics and probability thinking should be a required subject in ALL high schools 11:32:24 From Charles to Hosts and panelists: It’s also worth keeping in mind that as poor countries become more affluent, they will naturally (and rightfully!) consume more; they won’t stay low-consumption (and low CO2-producing) for long. 11:32:41 From Lawrence to Everyone: Our PM, Trudeau, bringing in 1.3 million people over three years. No consultation. They're coming from, generally, low consumption countries. 11:33:05 From Marian Starkey to Hosts and panelists: https://www.populationconnectionaction.org/ 11:33:36 From Lois to Hosts and panelists: As a Science educator I have been telling people there are too many people since the 1950s! 11:33:46 From Membership Relations to Everyone: Hi GREGORY, great idea! We're currently planning a "photo contest" so stay tuned for more details! Perhaps after, we'll consider a political cartoon contest based on how the photo contest goes. 11:33:48 From Roger to Everyone: Wouldn't the Senate Parliamentarian disqualify repeal f the Gag Rule from inclusion in a reconciliation (i.e. budget) bill? 11:34:18 From Membership Relations to Everyone: Nice Lois! I wish more of my educators had discussed the issue 11:35:05 From Natalie Widel to Everyone: Some of our current partners: https://populationconnection.org/learn/international-partnerships/ 11:35:39 From Thomas to Hosts and panelists: For those of us who are new to PopConnection, please give an overview of the organization’s activities 11:35:42 From Membership Relations to Everyone: We're also grateful to partner with the Center for Biological Diversity for events! 11:36:02 From Gregory to Everyone: The Center for Biological Diversity has a division devoted to Population and Sustainability. 11:36:12 From Robert to Everyone: Do you support unlimited, as opposed to two or three, child tax credits in the United States? 11:36:49 From vicki to Everyone: Actually, we need to get environmental groups to RECONNECT to population issues -- because most of them did make the connection earlier. They only turned away for this issue recently. I agree that getting their BIPOC members to assure these organizations that these BIPOC members support addressing population. 11:36:54 From Lois to Hosts and panelists: Why have I just made aware of Population Connection in the past month … by a mailing?? 11:37:02 From Adam to Everyone: Is there a better metric than GDP? 11:37:34 From Membership Relations to Everyone: Hi Thomas, check out our Virtual Events page for info on upcoming events! https://populationconnection.org/virtual-events/ 11:37:53 From Ramona to Everyone: What does Population Connection do to educate the media about connecting population and climate change to global conflict? The reporting about the current situation with the Ukraine features many discussions about the effect this will have on the price of gas. No mention about the importance of transitioning to renewable, non-co2 producing energy sources. 11:38:26 From Lois to Hosts and panelists: There’s a need to get MORE information out there …! 11:38:31 From Membership Relations to Everyone: Our sister org is also hosting our signature advocacy event NEXT MONTH. Info can be found here: https://www.populationconnectionaction.org/ 11:38:42 From Lawrence to Everyone: 'Anybody that believes exponential growth can on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.' Kenneth E. Boulding 11:39:23 From Dane to Everyone: From movie "Inferno" Not 100% correct, but the point is valid. Bartlett gives the example of a beaker. With a single bacterium in it, one that divides and doubles every minute, if you place the first bacterium into the beaker at 11:00 [pm], and it's completely full by 12, at what time is the beaker still only half full? 11:59. That's what time it is for us. ...We're a minute to midnight. 11:40:04 From Phoebe to Everyone: I’d like to encourage everyone here to gird their loins to face down those who are willing to waste precious time finger-pointing and bickering about whether the problem is population OR consumption. Or, who invoke the silencing discourses of “racist, misogynist, sexist, classist” accusations. The terrible narratives of (some of) the past do not give us a free pass to stop finding solutions for unfettered growth of population and consumption. The new Stable Planet Alliance is a global coalition led by women (and like-minded others!) of respected and lively organizations and people facing down this silencing discourse and working from the bottom-up (narratives), as well as the top-down (policies), to bend the curve on population and consumption. I hope Pop Connections will join us. All here are welcome to join us at https://www.stableplanetalliance.org and www.girlplanet.earth. Thank you all for your help! 11:40:33 From Membership to Everyone: Hi Ramona, great question! This year we expanded our efforts to contact media outlets with information and resources that highlight the connections between population trends, global health, and environmental well-being. Check them out here: https://populationconnection.org/learn/population-economy/ 11:40:38 From Gregory to Everyone: The Child Tax Credit indeed should be reduced by some set percentage for third children (a modest reduction for political necessity), and so on for every additional child -- to at least communicate the Population Connection. And this is reasonable, since additional offspring can be supported with diminishing costs re such as housing, food, and family transportation in the likely oversized SUV or pickup truck! 11:40:56 From Charles to Hosts and panelists: Letting the discussion always be about a “healthy economy” results in a very narrow focus that primarily benefits those at the top of the pyramid. Seems like what we should be instead focusing on is a high quality of life. 11:41:12 From Marian Starkey to Everyone: Roger, John’s talking about a regular appropriations bill, not a reconciliation bill, so the Senate parliamentarian’s position is moot! 11:41:40 From Janna to Everyone: I agree with Gregory. Is Population Connection willing to take a position on limiting the child tax credit? 11:42:39 From Elaine to Hosts and panelists: Can you/John please mention the 5 cent per week thing? Relevancy? I missed it. 11:43:02 From Membership Relations to Everyone: FYI Everyone: We will also share this chat box discussion after the presentation! 11:43:59 From Thomas: I meant ongoing activities. Where does the organization spend money? 11:44:15 From Lawrence to Everyone: Children are heavily subsidized by the State. 11:44:16 From Jana to Everyone: Planned Parenthood clinic in every community. 🥰 11:44:30 From Membership Relations to Everyone: Wouldn't that be nice Jana! 11:44:36 From Taylor to Everyone: What is PCs position on the Welfare “Family Cap”? 11:44:44 From Roger to Everyone: Comment on poverty as link to demand side of poor and middle income family planning services? 11:46:30 From Membership Relations to Everyone: To clarify Jana, having better access to repro health services (etc. Planned Parenthood) would be nice! 11:46:59 From Gregory to Everyone: The GAIA Initiative for Earth-Human Balance -- https://gaia-earth-balance.org/ -- offers an 'Idea-Grants' program for projects and initiatives that promote awareness of and action on the population-environment/climate nexus -- the "Population CO2nnection." 11:48:36 From vicki to Everyone: With Rights come Responsibilities. the MT constitution makes this point well. Every citizen has a right to a clean & healthful environment, and every citizen has a responsibility to act to maintain a clean and healthful environment. And what is a responsible family size is a function of what the earth can support -- and give everyone a good life. 11:48:57 From Sarah to Everyone: Thanks @Gregory for the shout out about the Center for Biological Diversity's Population and Sustainability program. We have a few resources that might interest this group: https://crowdedplanet.org/ is a resource data base about population growth and rights-based solutions. 11:49:32 From tom to Hosts and panelists: Does the word “population” make it more difficult to talk about this issue and is it useful to use other descriptors ? Humankind, etc. 11:49:36 From Gregory to Everyone: Being child-free (since puberty) and car-free (since 2006) has saved me a LOT of money that is making my old age more secure, and has enabled me to share some of my limited means with the likes of …. Population Connection. 11:49:56 From Sarah to Everyone: We also have an interview series called Contraception Conversations, where people share their stories with us. So far we've covered vasectomies and being childfree by choice. https://www.youtube.com/c/ChooseWild/playlists 11:51:31 From tom to Hosts and panelists: Can you talk for a minute about how we approach religious objection to population issues? 11:51:48 From Gregory to Everyone: Fun fact: In 1969 the Repub Party had a caucus called something like the Republican Working Group on Population and Environment -- and I worked with it as an intern to the most progressive 11:52:06 From Gregory to Everyone: Republican of all time, one Pete McCloskey. 11:52:12 From Membership Relations to Everyone: Hi Thomas, more info on our Financials is available here: https://populationconnection.org/about-us/financials/ 11:53:30 From Neela to Everyone: This has been an incredible meeting. Can't wait to share the recording. Thank you so very much. My donation to PopConn is going to increase and I'm going to talk to the environmental org where I donate. 11:53:56 From Natalie Widel to Everyone: Thank you for joining us Neela! Your support is so appreciated! 11:53:57 From Marian Starkey to Hosts and panelists: Thank you so much, Neela! Glad you could tune in :) 11:54:00 From Gregory to Everyone: While working in DC in 1969, I met U.S. Rep. George "Rubbers" Bush. I wonder if his son, the miserable 43rd president, even knew about the Republican Population and Environment caucus. 11:54:01 From Lawrence to Everyone: Religion? Mine is animal protection. 11:54:04 From Membership Relations to Everyone: Thank you Neela for your feedback! We are grateful for your support, thanks for tuning in! 11:54:46 From Natalie Widel to Everyone: john@popconnect.org 11:54:46 From Phoebe to Everyone: Appreciate John’s balanced wisdom and engagement on this. Will be writing you, John. 11:54:48 From Lila to Everyone: Thank you so much! 11:54:49 From Deborah Shum to Everyone: Thanks everyone! 11:54:51 From Bryce to Everyone: Great talk, John! Thank you! 11:54:52 From Ramona to Everyone: Thanks for offering this program! 11:54:53 From Kalya to Everyone: Theank you. this wa sgreat 11:54:58 From Douglas to Everyone: Excellent session! 11:55:09 From Virginia to Hosts and panelists: Thanks from Austin 11:55:11 From Nkeng to Everyone: Thanks! 11:55:11 From Stephanie to Everyone: Lawrence: Mine, too!