14:03:13 From Marian Starkey: Marian, Maine, music festivals 14:03:19 From Jeannie: Jeannie Boehner, Philadelphia, gardening on public land 14:03:24 From olivia: Olivia in NH, butterfly watching 14:03:28 From Lila: Lila, Colorado, sitting in my yard 14:03:30 From Nelson: Nelson Hyde Chick, San Francisco, gardening 14:03:31 From Roger: What kind of activity can I do in a chat box? lolol 14:03:32 From J Jones: JJ audiobook fiction, Denver 14:03:33 From Michelle: Michelle LePaule from Berkeley, CA 14:03:42 From Pam: Pam, DC 14:03:43 From Martha: Pixie, Anchorage, Alaska; hiking in wildflowers 14:03:44 From Bryce: Getting into nature. 14:03:48 From Maria: Maria from Sacramento Ca , hanging out with my cats an nature. 14:03:50 From William: Bill Hale, swimming 1000 laps 14:03:52 From Marla: Hello from Virginia! 14:03:53 From Pam: Traveling 14:04:00 From Pamela: Pam Duncan, Tucson AZ. Indoor activities through the summer due to the temps being in the 100's! 14:04:01 From Carol: Carol in NYC 14:04:11 From Dane: Dane Missou biking 14:04:13 From Richard: Richard from Phoenix. Being outside and taking walks 14:04:22 From Antony: Tony …… Sacramento …… watching grandkids in pool 14:04:23 From Alan: Alan in Twin Cities, MN - walking in and learning about natural environments 14:04:28 From Hannah Evans: Welcome, everyone! 14:04:57 From Nelson: Everything done to combat overpopulation falls into one of these three categories: 1st, people are informed about the dangers of overpopulation. 2nd, Governments and religious organizations are lobbied to change laws that impede a woman’s choice. 3rd, Contraception is dispersed to those that want to plan their family. The problem with the aforementioned is ultimately all three are dependent on people acting responsibly to be effective. I have to ask, what about the irresponsible? You know, the ones whose children fill our prisons and foster care rolls? I would argue it is the children of the irresponsible that are the most damaging to society. It seems a little unrealistic to expect the irresponsible to act responsibly. 14:05:23 From Stephanie: Hi from Washington State; thanks to everyone for making this possible! 14:18:39 From Membership Relations : Thanks again for joining today's presentation to commemorate World Population Day 2022-- the last WPD we will be under 8 billion people. If you have any questions for our speaker please drop them in the Q&A box and we will try to answer as many questions as we can during the Q&A session! 14:21:21 From Prof. Donald: Is it possible for us to use any of these wonderful slides in our similar presentations? Don Huisingh Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. 14:21:23 From Carol: Will these slides, or a recording of the webinar, be available after the talk? Thanks for hosting this. It's great so far!! 14:24:13 From Membership Relations : A recording of this webinar, a PDF version of these slides, and any answers we don't get to during the Q&A will be posted on our website. Stay tuned for the wrap-up email with all of these resources! 14:32:52 From Dominique: Thank you -- I was hoping you would do so. Excellent presentation! 14:33:24 From Carol: Thanks so much for the info access, post-webinar! 14:34:13 From Stephanie: I got all of that. Not true. Thank you. 14:34:41 From Stephanie: I’ve never regretted it. I’m 71. 14:34:54 From Bonny: How to counter a recent pronouncement from Elon Musk that he was doing his part to combat under population? A very strong statement from a major media personality. 14:35:10 From Pamela: At 58 I'm still single and childless. Life is wonderful and I wouldn't have it any other way! 14:35:15 From Maria: Me either and I am 67. CBC & not politically correct. 14:35:29 From Roger: Outlawing abortion certainly aligns with the pronatalism you describe. Yet effects of unwanted births on mothers, families, society and the planet are not an often articulated element in the debate. Comment? 14:35:55 From J Jones: Took YEARS to get a doc to sterilize me… 57 & happily married. 14:36:10 From Jennifer Lynaugh : Thanks for sharing that, Ms. Trasoff. The "who will take care of you when you're old," and "you'll never know a greater love" are not reasons to have children. I've heard it all as well and it burns me up inside! 14:36:33 From Sue: https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/carbon-emissions-richest-1-percent-more-double-emissions-poorest-half-humanity 14:36:40 From Jennifer Lynaugh : I agree w/you, Roger. 14:36:42 From Sue: https://www.ansirh.org/research/ongoing/turnaway-study 14:37:58 From Maria: Our Bodies Our Choice. 14:38:24 From Stephanie: I have a dozen friends or more whose children are unable or unwilling to “take care of them.” 14:39:25 From Maria: And I've known some children who let their parents rot in rest homes too. 14:39:46 From J Jones: All of this merits SO much more discussion than an hour allows… 14:40:09 From Jennifer Lynaugh : I cannot even express how much I'm appreciating this presentation, THANK YOU!!! It's incredibly validating to have support around the decision not to have children. :-) 14:40:10 From Maria: Nandita you are awesome, thank you! 14:40:30 From Stephanie: Thank you!!!!!!! 14:40:41 From J Jones: THANK you! 14:40:55 From Membership Relations : I forgot to mention-- the chat box discussion will also be posted on our website! Its so powerful to hear all of your stories, thank you everyone for sharing 14:40:59 From Marla: Excellent presentation, thank you! 14:41:09 From Prof. Donald: Thank you for our excellent presentatioin!! 14:41:21 From Lawrence: I'm proud to be an antinatalist! 14:41:38 From Maria: Me too! 14:41:44 From J Jones: I’m relieved to be sterilized. 14:42:02 From Pamela: Thank you, Nandita! This information is right on. So nice to know there are others out there who think like I do. Now, how can we promote Ecocentric thinking? 14:42:13 From Lawrence: On a crowded planet, baby is an unwelcome liability! 14:42:58 From Stephanie: Thank you for centering capitalism as problematic! Taking more than you give can never be sustainable. 14:43:07 From Kelly: I am just so thankful that someone is actually discussing this issue which is so critical to human survival. My husband and I are childless by choice and we have never regretted it. Thank you! 14:43:07 From Lawrence: No minimum education, income or iq required to make a baby.... 14:43:52 From Lawrence: Earth's best friend is a child-free person 14:44:10 From Dominique: What about the need by governments to have a larger number of young people for the military? This is rarely, if ever, mentioned because mothers would revolt! 14:44:17 From J Jones: Non-human animal’s best friend, too… 14:44:41 From Stephanie: Dominique: Yes!! 14:44:43 From Rob C: Yes, quite excellent. The kind of discussion and analysis (“Growthism”!) that breaks it down clearly. I will share the recording to friends widely. 14:44:51 From Maria: I am trying to talk more with other environmental groups to at least start talking about overpopulation. 14:45:20 From Jennifer: Thank you, Maria, that is needed more and more! Several of our Members have done the same. 14:45:24 From Nelson: America spends almost three hundred billion to imprison people and one hundred and sixty billion to give people a higher education. We are spending almost twice as much on our screw-ups than our future. 14:45:37 From Stephanie: I’m writing to Sierra Club today! No support to them unless they change! 14:47:22 From Francisco: How to balance reproductive rights with overpopulation? It's a kind of choosing between inflation and growth. You have to select just one sometimes, since the "soft landing" Is only an illusion. That's why we have to stop legally overpopulation even against the wishes of the world population. 14:47:23 From Bryce: Ironically, having more children now compromises the welfare of children born many years from now and the health of the world future generations will have to live in. 14:48:05 From Sydnie Stocks : Wow, I did not consider that before but you are so right. Pronatalism is also a form of population control. Agree 14:48:11 From Nelson: If someone is convicted for a felony that victimized a child why should they be allowed to ever have a child after that? Ted Bundy was allowed to marry and father a daughter when he was on Florida's death row. He has a daughter. 14:48:46 From Maria: We also cannot overemphasize the huge negative affect that many of the worlds organized religions are very pronatalist. Knowledge and free thought cannot be suppressed. 14:50:49 From Margaretha: Thank you for an excellent, educational presentation. 14:52:37 From Charles: Nandita makes the excellent point that the decision to have children is a decision that is not merely personal, but is a decision that has large effects on society and the global ecosystem. Therefore, we all have a stake in that decision; prospective parents’ claim that it’s nobody’s business but their own is simply not true. 14:53:00 From Bonny: How to counter a recent pronouncement from Elon musk that he was doing his part to combat world under population. A major statement from a huge media personality! 14:53:22 From Rob C: Ironically, the “scarcity" of natural resources and the concomitant “inflation” of costs for basic needs (food and shelter etc.) is an inevitable driver that will validate these rational approaches and understanding. Too bad this is increasing our collective suffering and misguided recriminations. Only going to get worse…more kids acting out with nihilistic behaviors. They ARE the front line of this vicious cycle. 14:53:36 From Dominique: How about the answer "I would not have enough money to ensure a good life and education to a child."? 14:53:57 From Maria: Elon Musk is delusional, he wants to go live on Mars all his billions of dollars. 14:53:58 From Stephanie: People who talk about underpopulation invariably mean white people. 14:54:45 From Jennifer Lynaugh : Good point, Bryce! 14:54:56 From J Jones: The most vitriol I’ve encountered is simply not having an answer to “why not?” I have never been interested in reproduction. 14:56:08 From Lawrence: McLean's article; most common reason people have children? They're expected to.... 14:58:01 From J Jones: Yes: simply not examining one’s own life (and obligation to other species). 14:58:11 From Rob C: Right On!…(“backlash to liberation etc….”) 14:58:31 From Maria: We need to keep the separation of church and state intact as many want to see it erode. 14:58:59 From Roger: For many in high fertility regions, household economics and old age security are still affecting family size choices, against background of out-dated paternal and cultural attitudes. Step one is giving all women means to exercise choice, which so many still lack, 14:59:28 From Pamela: A number of young women I know have opted not to have children, which is a positive sign, but good point that these decisions are being attacked - such as the overturning of Roe v. Wade. 15:00:27 From Marian Starkey: Gross. 15:00:51 From Bryce: Living sustainably today for the health of future, yet to be born, generations is, perhaps, the final frontier of human rights. 15:00:57 From Pamela: THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU!!! This was an hour well spent. Very good information. 15:00:58 From David: Nandita Bajaj’ presentation and this dialogue with Hannah Evans are excellent, and a great conversation is also happening in the chat. It's hard to follow both at the same time and it's not possible to copy the chat to with the present setting of the Zoom screen. Can the “save chat” icon be added to the message entry box at the bottom so we can read it later and focus on the conversation? 15:01:06 From Sue: https://news.nd.edu/assets/395804/how_americans_understand_abortion_final_7_15_20.pdf 15:01:14 From Bryce: Thank you! Such a great talk! 15:01:21 From Lawrence: Excellent presentation! 15:01:22 From Nancy Gomes: Such an insightful conversation. Thank you so much! 15:01:22 From David : Please save the chat and send it out later to everyone registered! 15:01:34 From Lila: Fascinating. Thank you! 15:01:38 From Charles: Thanks for a clear and informative talk! 15:02:11 From Ibtihal Rida Mahmood: This was a great talk. Thank you! And I'm happy to learn about the podcast. Will be sure to tune in :) 15:02:16 From Mike F: Overpopulation Podcast: https://www.populationbalance.org/podcasts 15:02:46 From Membership Relations : Look out for a wrap-up email with the recording of the presentation, presentation slides, chat box discussion, answers from the Q&A, and additional resources! 15:02:53 From Marian Starkey: thank you! 15:02:58 From Priscilla: Thanks y! 15:02:59 From Nancy Gomes: GO HANNAH!!! Go NANDITA!!