00:15:18 Marian Starkey (she/her): Marian, Maine, hiking to see fall foliage 00:20:04 Membership Relations: Chat Box is now active! Sorry about that everyone 🙂 00:20:07 Karen Pitts: Karen Pitts, Maasai Harmonial 00:23:55 Joanna : The first slide said that the organization is femconnect, but the website said femiconnect. Which is correct? 00:24:48 Marian Starkey (she/her): FemConnect is the name of the organization, but the website address is https://www.femiconnect.com/ 00:25:13 Membership Relations: Hi Joanna! Great question, the organization is called FemConnect but the website is femiconnect, probably due to availability. 00:25:47 Membership Relations: Hi Attendees! If you have any questions for our speaker, please drop them in the Q&A box and we will ask them during the Q&A session at the end! 00:25:51 Helen : Sound is spotty 00:26:22 Marian Starkey (she/her): Yes, Asonele's internet connection isn't good because of brownouts where she lives. It's the reason she has her video off. 00:26:37 Helen : Where do contraceptives in these places come from? (supply sources) 00:27:25 timothy : What type of contraceptives are most commonly used? What percentage get longer lasting implants? 00:29:45 Helen : What does period poverty mean? 00:30:16 Helen : Got it. Thanks! 00:35:06 Helen : So the girls have cell phones? 00:36:16 timothy : Can girls get education thru this mobile app? 00:47:53 Patricia : HA! I saw a woman in NYC wearing a "girls just want to have fundamental” etc. tshirt. 00:53:08 Sylvia : Is female cutting still a problem? 01:00:07 Marian Starkey (she/her): How do you provide access to feminine health resources in more rural areas? 01:00:14 Helen : How is it possible to distribute contraceptives virtually? 01:02:07 Patricia : …intermediary and advocate! so so necessary 01:03:14 Helen : Also, sanitary napkins and/ or tampons are convenient (though polluting), but they are not necessary. I've lived in remote villages in Latin America where women use rags to absorb menstrual blood, which they then wash and re-use. This has been going on from time immemorial long before disposable sanitary pads were invented. 01:03:39 Patricia : yes yes yes! "women's rights are human rights”…everyone pays for extra-young motherhood, not just the woman and her family (and child) 01:05:40 Patricia : wow, that is a HUGE development. Well done, congratulations! 01:06:52 Patricia : Truly, education in school about menstruation would have changed my life. No question whatsoever. 01:07:26 Marian Starkey (she/her): How much influence do women's husbands or partners have upon their reproductive decisions? 01:10:04 Membership Relations: That's why FemConnect is great because people can privately research SRHR services without the influence of their husbands ! 01:10:38 Patricia : This is truly courageous work. 01:11:33 Membership Relations:Agreed! 01:11:42 Karen Pitts: Child brides don't have that luxury 01:12:01 Susan : Thank you. God's speed to you. So much to do for women all over the world. 01:13:01 Patricia : 👆🏼agree w Susan. Thanks so much to Ms. Kotu for her time! 01:13:15 Helen : Many thanks!! 01:13:20 Joanna : Thank you!