00:21:42 kent : Fullerton, CA 00:21:44 Mark : Mark from Southern California 00:21:45 Larry K: Larry in Nyack, NY 00:21:45 christina j: Christina from San Diego 00:21:47 Marian Starkey (she/her): Marian from Maine 00:21:52 Gerald T: Jerry T, Knoxville, TN 00:21:54 Amy S: Amy in SF 00:21:55 richard b: Richard Buttny, New York State 00:21:57 Richard W: Richard, LI, NY 00:22:00 Michael : Michael - Los Angeles 00:22:00 Elaine G: Hi, this is Elaine from Modesto CA. Old time PetNetter. 00:22:03 Jennifer L: Hi! Jenn from San Diego :-) 00:22:05 Elizabeth C: Liz C, SF and Arlington, Virginia 00:22:07 Edric G: Edric in El Segundo, CA 00:22:07 Karen H: Karen from Illinois 00:22:09 Marc I: Marc I Maryland 00:22:09 Fredrica B: Fredrica from Westchester county, New York 00:22:09 BARBARA B: Metro dc 00:22:11 Dane K: Dane MO 00:22:13 Larry L: Carlsbad, CA 00:22:15 Richard S: Richard from Phoenix 00:22:16 PIERRE T: Pierre T, Berkeley, CA 00:22:20 William H: Bill H, Pennsylvania 00:22:20 Denis R: Denis and Betsy Vermont 00:22:25 Evelyn L: Evelyn Lehrer Chicago 00:22:28 Jeremy B: Hi from Indiana 00:22:30 Lawrence L: Larry Lerner, California 00:22:30 Brian L: Brian, Cleveland OH suburb 00:23:22 jody w: Hi from central florida 00:23:36 Dwight R: Dwight R, Redmond, Washington 00:23:50 Julia G: Julia, Davis CA 00:24:01 Hiroko D: Hiroko from Boulder CO 00:24:05 Samuel J: Sam J, Lauderdale by the Sea 00:24:07 Lucille W: Lucy from Bellingham, WA 00:24:07 Antony S: Hello from Sacramento 00:24:08 Peter S: Peter S, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 00:24:08 Dr. Huisingh: Hi From Donald Huisingh from the Univ. of Tennessee in Knoxville 00:24:27 David H: David H, Palo Alto, CA 00:27:17 Brian Rimlinger: Marian must meet some very interesting characters escorting patients to planned parenthood. NE Portland in the house..... 00:27:21 Edric G: Absolute love the new Population Connection chart showing the huge importance of family planning/education in solving climate change! You guys sent it to my home. The chart credits Project Drawdown, another leading source of hope for sustainability and beyond. Thank you!! 00:29:04 Dwight Rousu: 👍🏼 00:30:23 Rob C: These numbers are truly incomprehensible!…yet, we know SOME individuals OWN “X” billions of dollars wealth…perhaps that could be accounted through ‘pieces’ or areas of physical land on our planet. If so, then we Plebes are getting even more squeezed on a finite space basis. 00:41:16 Brian R: Elon must be smoking too much of his own stash. 00:41:31 Jennifer Lynaugh: 😆 00:43:45 Marian Starkey (she/her): https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/27/opinion/south-korea-fertility-rate-feminism.html 00:47:31 Julia G: can you provide a reference that documents the ineffectiveness of national programs intended to promote fertility? 00:50:44 Stephanie Wolfe: Hi Julia! Yes we can provide a link to some references. We will follow-up with you. We will also share it on our website for all participants to review. 00:51:32 Julia G: 👍 00:51:40 Stephanie Wolfe: If you have any questions for our speakers, please drop them in the Q&A box! We will do our best to answer all questions during the Q&A session 00:52:20 Susan K: governments need to encourage more people working to later ages and not encourage early retirement, it will help the economy 00:55:37 Richard G: I would also reference on the ineffectiveness of national programs to raise fertility. 00:56:29 Dwight R: They do not run out of money. The just have less income 00:56:44 Richard G: Wonderful presentations—I hope they will be available for later reference. 00:57:02 Dwight R: They would still be able to pay a percentage of benefits 00:57:22 Eric B: Expanding Social Security by scrapping the cap, etc., is very politically popular. E.g.: https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2022/8/15/on-the-87th-anniversary-of-social-security-voters-fear-republican-cuts-and-want-democrats-to-expand-benefits 00:59:02 Pam P: Because Elon Musk has such a big reach, how can we ask him to provide his scientific support for this and compare his assumptions to those you have? 00:59:30 Dwight R: PC today is demonstrating the benefits of having women in the workforce. Great presentations. 00:59:39 Marian Starkey (she/her): https://population.un.org/wpp/ 01:02:34 Marian Starkey (she/her): aw, thanks, Dwight 🥰 01:03:11 Ann W: Good presentation. It’s clear more economic research needs to be done to keep human economies strong as the population ages and birth rates continue to drop. I am intentionally child free and recommend that life style. 01:05:01 Larry K: I've posted a question to the Q&A 01:06:32 Pam P: What ways have been found to effectively shift the patriarchal cultural perspective about having many children is a good thing? 01:07:22 Marian Starkey (she/her): https://www.guttmacher.org/article/2022/06/long-term-decline-us-abortions-reverses-showing-rising-need-abortion-supreme-court 01:07:30 Marian Starkey (she/her): https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/01/11/what-the-data-says-about-abortion-in-the-u-s-2/ 01:07:37 Gerald T: How can we counter the influence of religious fanatics who insist that women have lots of kids? 01:09:32 Natalie Widel: Hi everyone--we'll be sharing the slides as well as a recording of this presentation later this week! 01:09:34 Marian Starkey (she/her): https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.GINI?end=2022&most_recent_value_desc=true&start=2022&view=map 01:10:18 Denis R: THANKS AGAIN for the valued presentation! -- Denis and Betsy 01:12:10 Dwight R: Bombs are included in gross national product. We need new measures. 01:13:01 Florence B: GT check out the https://actalliance.org/who-we-are/ faith leaders who acknowledge that religion is rooted in patriarchal beliefs (etc). Great place to start via partnerships.We have to keep up the advocacy and reach policymakers and individuals. 01:13:36 Marian Starkey (she/her): donut economics: https://www.kateraworth.com/doughnut/ 01:13:51 Elizabeth C: Thanks for great presentations and useful resource links. Check out Ellen MacArthur Foundation for more info regarding circular economy: https://ellenmacarthurfoundation.org. 01:13:54 Mark C: Noteworthy: Waste is the by-product of one species' practices. 01:14:12 Pam P: Can you open the ability to save the chat so we can save the links? 01:16:26 Marian Starkey (she/her): Olivia’s blog post about Elon Musk: https://populationconnection.org/blog/dear-mr-musk-youre-wrong-about-population/ 01:16:33 Population Connection: Hi Pam, the chat box will be posted alongside the recording. I can't change the settings in the backend since the Zoom meeting is in progress. 01:17:16 Edric G: Musk is also erratic about solutions for climate change. Frustrating, as he's clearly not a good advocate for sustainability! 01:17:27 Jennifer Lynaugh: You PC ladies rock! Thank you for yet ANOTHER excellent informative presentation for our Members!!! 👏 01:18:39 John T: Thank you for this interesting presentation! Educational and informative. 01:18:47 Population Connection: All resources linked in the chat box will also be consolidated and shared! 01:19:22 Mark C: Thank you for the presentation and your addressing our common plight. 01:19:30 Fredrica B: Oppressed women have even less control over their lives and bodies.