11:03:30 From Stephanie Wolfe To Everyone: Stephanie in SoCal! 11:03:30 From Hannah Evans To All Panelists: Hannah, Hawaii 11:03:36 From Marian Starkey To Everyone: Falmouth, Maine 11:03:42 From Betsy L To Everyone: Betsy L Battlement Mesa, CO 11:03:43 From Rachel H To Everyone: Rachel H - On vacation in Puerto Rico 11:03:43 From Shauna Scherer To Everyone: Hi everyone! It's Shauna in Arkansas 😄 11:03:43 From Deborah S To Everyone: Hello. Deborah from Rockville, Maryland (outside of Washington, DC) 11:04:06 From elaine l To Everyone: Elaine L, L A Calif Hello! 11:04:07 From Antony S To Everyone: Tony from Sacramento 11:04:14 From Emilly Tumusiime To Everyone: Hello everyone Emilly Tumusiime from Girl Up Initiative Uganda Happy to be here 11:04:23 From Patricia Ndikwani To Everyone: Hello everyone! Patricia from Uganda 11:04:24 From Natukunda Clare To Everyone: Hello everyone, Clare Natukunda Girl Up Initiative Uganda. 11:04:33 From Pamela O'Brien To Everyone: Pamela O'Brien with the African Education Program calling in from St. Petersburg, Florida! Excited to be here! 11:04:47 From Noam Shelef To Everyone: Hi everyone, Noam from Kakenya's Dream. I'm in Washington, DC. 11:05:09 From Emily B To Everyone: Hello Everyone! Emily from Virginia. 11:05:23 From immaculate Nabbanja To Everyone: hello everyone, immaculate from Girl Up Initiative Uganda glad to be here 11:06:59 From Stephanie Wolfe To Everyone: Welcome Everyone! Thanks for being here, I'm so excited to learn from our partners. If you have questions for our partners, please drop them in the Q&A box found at the bottom of your screen. 11:21:16 From Adam Englund To Everyone: Adam here. Hi from Mexico 11:30:34 From claudia Thompson-Deahl To Everyone: yep-looks good 11:30:53 From Stephanie Wolfe To Everyone: If you have questions for Monica or Dr. Kakenya, please drop them in the Q&A box! 11:41:41 From Karen Pitts To Everyone: Bragging about Dr Grace and her success fighting FGM https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02NKiAe6Uc4hSFj2Vf2AG4vfaFdqKWTnJXvWQ8M2czzfYmJSghijx4F1sdA3kttQKvl&id=1177264624&mibextid=Nif5oz 11:46:44 From Stephanie Wolfe To Everyone: We'll begin the Q&A soon, please let us know if you have questions for our speakers! 11:49:19 From Stephanie Wolfe To Everyone: Go Linet!! Amazing 11:49:39 From Stephanie Wolfe To Everyone: Kakenya's Dream: https://kakenyasdream.org/ 11:50:00 From Stephanie Wolfe To Everyone: Girl Up initiative: https://girlupuganda.org/ 11:50:08 From Shauna Scherer To Everyone: So inspiring! Thank you both!! 11:51:30 From Teresa F To Everyone: Thanks for sharing. Thanks for this presentation. 11:52:17 From Teopista Nakiguli To Everyone: thank you both for changing lives 11:52:53 From Betsy L To Everyone: What has been Your biggest challenge to overcome? 11:55:55 From Karen Pitts To Everyone: and Noondomon, former cutterhttps://www.instagram.com/p/B8hJrfpFjzY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 11:56:40 From Karen Pitts To Everyone: when the practice is banned, girls are cut earlier 12:01:22 From Stephanie Wolfe To Everyone: Population Connection is a membership-based organization. This event—and ALL of our programs—are made possible by the support of generous members. If you haven't joined already, I hope you'll consider joining today! We look forward to continuing our support for these organizations! popconnect.org/donate 12:01:32 From Antony S To Everyone: Great stuff! Keep up the difficult work! 12:01:37 From Betsy L To Everyone: Thank you Women! 12:01:57 From Don C To Everyone: Wow! Thank you! 12:02:07 From Marian Starkey To Everyone: thank you for those great presentations!