13:01:30 From Kathleen to Everyone: Kathleen, Seattle 13:01:31 From Dane to Everyone: Dane Missouri 13:01:31 From Bryce Hach to Everyone: Bryce Hach, Falmouth, ME 13:01:33 From John to Everyone: John , San Diego County, CA, USA 13:01:36 From Marian Starkey (she/her) to Everyone: Falmouth, Maine 13:01:38 From Jon to Everyone: Jon L, Connecticut 13:01:38 From Richard to Everyone: Rich -- Kentucky 13:01:40 From Marcia to Everyone: Marcia from Cape Cod 13:01:43 From Andrew to Everyone: Andrew Clark - Pendleton, Oregon 13:01:44 From Bill to Everyone: Bill from New Zealand 13:01:46 From Jeannie to Everyone: Jeannie Philadelphia 13:01:48 From Roger to Everyone: Roger, Texas 13:01:48 From Bundy to Everyone: Bundy from Maine 13:01:49 From Amy to Everyone: Amy S from SF 13:01:50 From Jim to Everyone: Jim Morse, MA 13:01:51 From Richard to Everyone: Hi, I'm Rich in York, PA. 13:01:52 From Donna to Everyone: Donna from Maryland 13:01:53 From Elizabeth to Everyone: Liz San Diego CA 13:01:54 From Diana to Everyone: Diana, Duluth, MN 13:01:54 From Eve to Everyone: Eve Houston, TX 13:01:55 From Lavini to Everyone: Lavinia - Brisbane 13:01:56 From John to Everyone: John , Garden Grove, CA 13:01:57 From Jeremy to Everyone: Jeremy, Indiana 13:01:58 From Peter to Everyone: Peter F. - Rancho Cucamonga, CA 13:01:58 From Pam to Everyone: Pam Denver Colorado 13:01:59 From Jack to Everyone: Jack Consulting Ecologist 13:02:00 From Cynthia to Everyone: Cynthia SF areea 13:02:03 From Marianne to Everyone: Marianne, from New Hampshire 13:02:03 From Carrie Brochu to Everyone: Carrie in Connecticut 13:02:03 From Barbara to Everyone: Barbara, calling in from Pittsburgh, PA, US today 13:02:04 From Dianne to Everyone: Dianne , St. Paul MN 13:02:04 From Donald to Everyone: Don from rom Des MOines 13:02:05 From Patricia to Hosts and panelists: Pat CT 13:02:07 From Dominique to Everyone: Dominique in Baton Rouge, Louisiana 13:02:08 From Raj to Everyone: Raj from Colorado 13:02:09 From Betsy to Everyone: Betsy- Battlement Mesa, CO 13:02:09 From Florence Blondel to Everyone: Florence in Charlotte, NC 13:02:13 From mike to Everyone: mike in maryland 13:02:13 From elaine to Everyone: Elaine - L.A.Calif. Hello! 13:02:15 From Martha to Everyone: Martha from Little Rock, AR 13:02:15 From Grace to Everyone: Grace from Arlington VA! 13:02:19 From Barbara to Everyone: Barbara, southern Oregon 13:02:23 From Ken to Everyone: Ken, Arizona 13:02:33 From Jerry to Everyone: Me Jerry, Woods Hole, Mass 13:02:40 From Margaret to Everyone: Hi, Margaret from Maryland 13:02:46 From earl de berge to Everyone: Earll from Arizona 13:03:13 From Joe Speidel to Everyone: JoeSpeidel CA 13:03:59 From Craig to Everyone: Craig from California 13:04:07 From Roger to Everyone: Roger Michigan 13:04:15 From Jack to Everyone: Jack, California 13:06:18 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: If you have questions for our speaker, please drop them in the Q&A Box found at the bottom of your screen! 13:11:33 From Raj to Hosts and panelists: Can you explain the difference in % growth and the rate of growth. How are they different? 13:15:24 From Marian Starkey (she/her) to Raj Kirumakki and all panelists: Hi Raj, It’s the same thing in the case of population growth! The measurement of the population growth rate is the percentage of growth year over year. Hope that makes sense! 13:40:43 From Stephanie to Everyone: Thank you so much for your presentation and for all your work! 13:40:52 From Mel to Everyone: Is anyone at the UN listening? 13:41:12 From Natalie Widel to Everyone: A link to Dr. O'Sullivan's article in the magazine: https://populationconnection.org/article/demographic-delusions-jane-osullivan/ 13:41:21 From Everett to Everyone: Evertt, California 13:41:24 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Wow, so much to unpack! 13:41:32 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: In case anyone didn't have a chance to read our December issue featuring Dr. Jane, it's available to here: https://populationconnection.org/magazine/december-2023/ 13:43:31 From Richard to Everyone: What strategies work best to help our societal leaders understand the importance of population planning? 13:44:38 From Kathleen to Everyone: is the reluctance to FP by country really an issue of religion or other cultural norms 13:45:37 From Mel to Everyone: Is the Christian Right, Catholic, and Mormon movement in the US compounding the problem? I think so. 13:45:51 From Barbara to Everyone: Perhaps resistance to these public health issues is based on the desire to keep women as second class citizens totally dependent on men. 13:46:09 From Virginia to Everyone: Virginia with an AT&T account… which meant I had trouble getting on Zoom. I hope you will record Dr. Sullivan’s talk so I can listen to it later. Thanks! 13:46:29 From John to Everyone: Mel, I think Islam is at least as big a resistance point. 13:47:39 From Natalie Widel to Everyone: Hi Virginia--this presentation is being recorded and will be available to view soon! 13:48:14 From John to Everyone: Anyone concerned about shortage of workers needs to see what we are doing at UC San Diego with robotics. 13:48:52 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: We're very active in reaching out to the media to contribute to conversations surrounding population issues. You can read our coverage, and coverage published by members here: https://populationconnection.org/act/media-guide/ 13:49:07 From Dale to Everyone: Large families are often incubators for child abuse. 13:49:48 From terry to Everyone: declining populations have increasing per capita gdp. take a look at the October study published in nature.com. you can find it at earthovershoot.org under podcasts or at growthbusters most recent podcast. the entire narrative that we must grow population for the economy is just not true 13:50:17 From Judy to Everyone: I think fear of being called “racist” also stops discussion of family planning. Some people see people of color targeted for family planning and this idea can even take on conspiratorial aspects. Being called a “racist” is highly intimidating. Can you share your thoughts on this? 13:50:40 From Dominique to Everyone: There are effects of overpopulation (mismatch of population size to resources) even in the United States: Child poverty, increasing homelessness, environmental degradation and increasing pollution -- and yet, governmental actions are poised against self-determination of women to control family size. 13:51:45 From Marietta to Everyone: Many species will be extinct in another decade… 13:52:10 From Stephanie to Everyone: The racists are the ones who promote population growth - they are invariably promoting it only in white-dominated countries. 13:52:29 From Barbara to Everyone: That sounds like a very good idea, capitalism wants more workers. We must keep resisting fake news. 13:52:40 From George to Everyone: How well said about the role of capital 13:52:43 From Betsy to Everyone: Many species are going extinct NOW! 13:53:17 From Richard to Everyone: Intergroup competition is universal, and so it is normal for one culture to fear the growth of another culture. EG, the fear of the immigration surge happening in the US. Therefore we are to keep reproducing "true Americans" and resist allowing the strangers in. 13:53:19 From John to Everyone: Speaking of old folks still in the workforce, this 73-year-old needs to log off to host office hours with his university students. :) Thank you for a very informative talk! 13:54:23 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: haha thanks for tuning in John! 13:55:08 From Stephanie to Everyone: It’s important to recognize what a small percentage of Catholics are represented by the Vatican’s stance; this has always been the case. 13:55:12 From Marietta to Everyone: HA! This 76-year-old has to leave for work soon, too! 13:55:53 From Donna to Everyone: The Red States in the US seem to be waging a war against women - i.e. latest in Alabama. 13:56:29 From Jeff to Everyone: This 73-year-old thanks everyone for this presentation! 13:56:47 From Virginia to Everyone: Yes, Texas is terrible in going after women’s rights. 13:57:46 From Patricia to Hosts and panelists: Yes, Donna. Now that embryos are children, you can get a tax credit for them as a dependent! 13:58:14 From Stephanie to Everyone: Not to mention the rights of the next generation. It’s perverse to bring children into the world for the sole purpose of taking care of ourselves later. 13:59:11 From Jennifer Lynaugh to Everyone: What an incredibly thought-provoking presentation and conversation, thank you, Dr. O'Sullivan!!! 🙌 13:59:19 From Betsy to Everyone: I am 70, almost 71 and I have never had children. I am NOT lazy! 13:59:20 From Barbara to Everyone: Thank you for this very worthy while presentation. I have to leave to go to an editorial meeting. As a over 70 year old retiree, I keep trying to work for the benefit of our future, with no pay, because I have enough. 13:59:21 From Richard to Everyone: Rural farming groups tend to see large families as providing more workers for the farm, even though the larger families take more resources to support. 13:59:23 From Marietta to Everyone: Let’s send some refugees to South Korea! 13:59:33 From Janet to Everyone: The big business interests don't want population to shrink because they don't want to lose customers. I.e., the profit motive, as always. 13:59:57 From Bryce Hach to Everyone: Thank you for the great talk! I appreciate all the research behind this. 14:00:05 From Stephanie to Everyone: Betsy: Me too! We need to communicate this to young women. It’s ok. 14:00:49 From Jennifer Lynaugh to Everyone: I'm 100% with you, Betsy! I'm 47 y/o with NO children and lead a very fulfilled life and am a productive member of society! Thank you for sharing!! 14:01:04 From elaine to Everyone: Inspiring and CRITICAL info! Thanks, EL 14:01:06 From Betsy to Everyone: You are right about that Stephanie! 14:01:35 From Mel to Everyone: Very helpful talk. TED Talk! 14:02:53 From Richard to Everyone: Thank you for your intelligent, sensible presentation. May your wisdom gain influence rapidly! 14:02:54 From Stephanie to Everyone: BTW, I love children! I worked with children most of my life. We need fewer people having them and more caring for them. 14:03:06 From Margaret to Everyone: Excellent presentation supported by data and proper research. Thank you for all of your work, Dr. O'Sullivan. 14:03:19 From Richard to Everyone: We need nature, but nature doesn't need us to survive. 14:03:39 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Hi all, there were lots of questions sent in the Q&A box. For questions that fall under Dr. Jane's expertise, we will follow-up with written responses! 14:03:54 From Betsy to Everyone: Thank you Dr. Jane O'Sullivan for your heavily researched and organized presentation. Thanks to Pop Ed for hosting. 14:04:36 From Dale to Everyone: Excellent comment Stephanie. 14:04:50 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: We're running over the hour so feel free to hop off if you need. There is just so much important info to review! 14:05:12 From Patricia to Hosts and panelists: Fantastic study. I’m sure it will help people working on population problem. 14:05:12 From Steve to Everyone: Great presentation! 14:05:12 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Thanks all for your amazing engagement and passion for talking population issues-- especially since its clear this topic wants to be swept under the rug! 14:05:24 From Jack to Everyone: Excelent presentation. 14:05:25 From Donna to Everyone: Thank you so much! 14:05:25 From Betsy to Everyone: I too, have worked with many children in my former work as an Environmental Educator. 14:05:42 From Richard to Everyone: Perth is halfway around the world from Washington, D.C. 14:06:03 From Teresa to Everyone: Thank you, Dr. Jane.