13:01:46 From Alex B to Everyone: Alex B NY 13:02:10 From Jenn Lynaugh to Everyone: Hello! Jenn in San Diego :-) 13:02:19 From Scott N to Everyone: Scott N WA 13:02:42 From Sydnie Stocks to Everyone: Sydnie CA 13:03:15 From Carrie Brochu to Everyone: Carrie - Connecticut :) 13:04:19 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Welcome everyone. Great to have you here! 13:12:30 From Sydnie Stocks to Everyone: Thank you, Julian and Kathy, for sharing your story. Very fascinating 13:18:44 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: If you have questions for any of our speakers, please drop them in the Q&A box found at the bottom of your screen. We'd love to answer them! 13:20:55 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: I like how you said, "Legacy gifts honor the values that guided your life!" 13:21:41 From Jenn Lynaugh to Everyone: So many great options here! 13:26:03 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Yes, lots of options, Jenn! You can explore more planned giving options with PopConnect on our webpage here: https://populationconnection.org/support/ 13:27:57 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: You can check out more about FreeWill here: https://www.freewill.com/populationconnection?utm_source=partner&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=populationconnection_plannedgivingpg 13:30:38 From Jenn Lynaugh to Everyone: Can you talk a bit more about how charitable gift annuities work, especially the benefits? 13:30:44 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: If you have questions for any of our speakers, please drop them in the Q&A box found at the bottom of your screen. We'd love to answer them!🙂 13:34:31 From Don R to Everyone: I have included Population Connection in my will. How do you want me to inform you? 13:35:14 From Shauna Scherer to Everyone: Thank you so much, Don! Please send us an email to legacy@popconnect.org with more information about yourself so that we can welcome you into the ZPG Society! 13:38:20 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Please submit any questions you have if you'd like them answered live by our speakers! We will be wrapping up soon! 13:41:00 From Shauna Scherer to Everyone: www.popconnect.org/legacy 13:41:20 From Jenn Lynaugh to Everyone: Thank you so much for this informative and feel-good presentation! 13:41:29 From Alex B to Everyone: Many thanks all appreciate it.