11:01:41 From Marian Starkey to Everyone: Marian in Maine 11:01:53 From Joan to Everyone: Joan in Minnesota 11:01:56 From Makenzie Lowe to Everyone: Makenzie from California 11:02:01 From Diana to Everyone: Diana in Montana 11:02:02 From Margaret to Everyone: Margaret in Kansas CIty 11:02:02 From Ed to Everyone: Ed, Washington state 11:02:05 From Scott to Everyone: Scott, Maryland 11:02:11 From Carrie Brochu to Everyone: Carrie in Connecticut 11:02:22 From Katherine to Everyone: Kathy in NY 11:02:37 From Sharon (& Robert) to Everyone: Sharon from Virginia 11:07:02 From Jane to Everyone: Jane from NC 11:07:03 From elaine l to Everyone: Elaine from L.A.Cal.Hello! 11:07:24 From Richard to Everyone: Richard from Durango, Colorado 11:07:46 From Josh to Everyone: Josh from Kampala, Uganda 11:07:56 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: If anyone has questions for Dr. Delacroix, please drop them in the Q&A box found at the bottom of your screen. We'll answer questions during the Q&A session! 11:08:05 From Raj to Everyone: Raj from Lakewood, Colorado 11:11:32 From Virginia to Hosts and panelists: Virginia from Austin, TX 11:15:29 From Jim to Everyone: Jim from River Song Cohousing Community Eugene OR 11:15:36 From Charles LeBold to Everyone: Chuck form Oregon. 11:22:19 From Gary to Everyone: Gary, Sudbury Ontario. I don’t see a Q&A box. I wonder if Dr. Lacroix has any opinion as to whether increasing immigration improves our chance of attaining population sustainability. 11:23:30 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Questions for Dr. Delacroix can be submitted in the Q&A box found at the bottom of your screen. We'll answer questions during the Q&A session! 11:24:30 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: You can hover your mouse over the bottom of the screen and the "Q&A" button should appear 11:26:52 From Gary to Everyone: OK Gary 11:48:10 From Lynne to Hosts and panelists: Lynne from Pa 11:52:17 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: You can learn more about ipbes here: https://www.ipbes.net/ 11:53:31 From Jo Lynne to Everyone: Thank you so much for bringing the important topic of family planning to the table for environmental health. 11:54:04 From Mary to Everyone: Thank you for an informative presentation. 11:54:18 From Sharon (& Robert) to Everyone: \I'm so glad to see there is research going on in the areas you described! Sharon 11:54:34 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: So much important research that is going on! We will link the information referenced in a follow-up email. 11:54:41 From Jo Lynne to Everyone: Jo Lynne from Colorado. 11:55:51 From Virginia to Hosts and panelists: “Gaining people, losing ground” was first used by The Population Institute. 11:56:01 From Jo Lynne to Everyone: Will we have access to presentation? 11:56:21 From Jane to Everyone: Can you post the paper she just mentioned? 11:56:30 From Marian Starkey to Everyone: If you are interested in hearing more about these connections, please tune in tomorrow for our virtual side event to the UN’s 57th Session of the Commission on Population and Development with Population Matters and Population Media Center! https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_it-K2zxoSbWyKwJ774hF-A#/registration 11:56:42 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Hi Jane! Here is the study she just referenced: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00490857231187993 11:58:06 From Virginia to Hosts and panelists: Thank you Celine! 12:00:07 From Elisabeth to Everyone: That IPCC 1994 definition specifies the right to the means to decide responsibly, not the means to bear or raise a child. Does that include the right to counseling against bearing a child whom one cannot feed, clothe, and shelter throughout life to prevent becoming unhoused or placed in a nursing home, the responsibility to provide your fair share of data and services, and that the consequences of childbirth could include environmental catastrophe and ethnic cleansing in response to a perceived effort to outconsume neighbors? 12:00:57 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: We'll follow up soon with a link to the recording and references shared! 12:01:09 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: If you are interested in hearing more about these connections, please tune in tomorrow for our virtual side event to the UN’s 57th Session of the Commission on Population and Development with Population Matters and Population Media Center! https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_it-K2zxoSbWyKwJ774hF-A#/registration 12:01:14 From Katherine to Everyone: Can we use I=PAT to address the P and A, since most policy and most environmental organizations have all focus on T (Technology) and argue that technology will save the day, 12:01:15 From Charles to Everyone: thank you 12:01:16 From Marian Starkey to Everyone: great presentation, thank you!