11:01:07 From Ana W to Everyone: Hello. Ana W, New Jersey, US 11:01:09 From Jennifer Lynaugh to Everyone: Funny choice of picture!! 😆 11:01:12 From Kamal R to Everyone: Hello and Namaste ! I am Kamal R from RUWDUC, Nepal 11:01:22 From Richard R to Everyone: Richard R - Frankfort, KY 11:01:23 From Sylvia W to Everyone: Sylvia from Bellingham, WA 11:01:26 From Katherine S to Everyone: Kathy, Nyack, NY 11:01:26 From Susan F to Everyone: Susan F, Alexandria, Virginia 11:01:27 From Thomas S to Hosts and panelists: Tom from Minnesota 11:01:30 From Amy S to Everyone: Amy from SF 11:01:33 From John T to Everyone: John from Rockville, MD 11:01:33 From Richard G to Everyone: Richard G, Durango, Colorado 11:01:34 From Bryce H to Everyone: Bryce, from Falmouth, Maine 11:01:35 From Jo Lynne to Everyone: Hello from Colorado. 11:01:35 From Marni LaFleur to Everyone: Marni LaFleur, San Diego CA 11:01:36 From Bob H to Everyone: Bob from Wisconsin 11:01:38 From Jennifer Lynaugh to Everyone: Hi! Jenn in San Diego 👋 11:01:39 From susan n to Everyone: Susan from Chapel Hill NC 11:01:48 From Denis R to Hosts and panelists: THANKS from Denis and Betsy in Vermont 11:01:50 From Lila G to Everyone: Lila, Centennial, CO 11:01:53 From Marian H to Everyone: Marian from Pittsburgh 11:01:53 From Keith F to Everyone: Keith F from Bellingham, washington 11:01:56 From Taylor R to Everyone: Taylor R from the Driftless Region in NW Illinois, USA 11:01:57 From Kathy S to Everyone: Kathy from Cleveland 11:02:01 From Princy B to Everyone: Princy B, Nepal 11:02:02 From Marshall G to Everyone: Marshall G from Oak Harbor, Washington 11:02:04 From Marcy S to Everyone: Marcy from Vashon Island, WA 11:02:05 From Karen T to Everyone: Hello! Karen T from Kalamazoo. Mi 11:02:06 From Kamal R to Everyone: so nice to see you all. Looking forward to the event 11:02:12 From Shauna Scherer to Everyone: Hi! It's Shauna in Arkansas 11:02:15 From Alea W to Everyone: Alea - Maryland 11:02:16 From Gabe K to Everyone: Hi from Blaine WA-Gabe 11:02:33 From Marian Starkey to Everyone: Marian in Maine 11:02:38 From elaine l to Everyone: Elaine la calif.Hello 11:02:40 From Keith F to Everyone: Hi Karen from Kalamazoo! I grew up there! 11:02:48 From Ed B to Everyone: Ed of Olympic Climate Action in Washington state. 11:03:18 From Karen T to Everyone: Welcome Keith! 11:03:24 From Jennifer Lynaugh to Everyone: HOORAY for John!!! 11:08:55 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: WELCOME EVERYONE! Great to have you here for the discussion. If you have any questions for John, please drop them in the Q&A box found at the bottom of your screen. 11:20:34 From Carol F to Everyone: Cannot hear John speak clearly. 11:21:06 From Edna G to Everyone: No problem hearing here 11:21:08 From Nicole Martin to Everyone: The audio is working well for me. 11:21:47 From Florence Blondel to Everyone: Fine for me too. Check your sound settings. 11:21:57 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Hi Carol, I'm sorry the audio isn't clear. You might want to sign off and then back on to troubleshoot! 11:28:51 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: You can read our Policy Priorities here: https://populationconnection.org/act/ 11:29:49 From Richard G to Everyone: I would love to have the sources of the costs of various ways to prevent a ton of CO2 emission. 11:31:30 From Brian S to Everyone: Agree with Richard! 11:31:33 From Rob C to Everyone: John, your slide on Russia/Putin is startling. It is in their rational and strategic interest (in modern political terms) to NOT cooperate with the Global threat assessment due to warming effects of greenhouse gasses. So much for nations projecting individual psychology…with Pathological consequences for us all. 11:32:01 From Marian Starkey to Everyone: Hi Richard, the source for the wind, solar, and coal figures is a table on page 57 of this report: https://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/jep.32.4.53 11:32:11 From Florence Blondel to Everyone: Right on SSA! 11:32:20 From Taylor R to Everyone: Great presentation! You hit all the key points and many of the important interconnections. I also recommend author and speaker and geopolitical strategist Peter Zeihan. He is right on target with all these interconnections, especiall demographics. He also is very entertaining. www.zeihan.com 11:32:29 From Marian Starkey to Everyone: The family planning figure is from page 23 of this Brookings report: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/platforms-for-girls-education-in-climate-strategies.pdf 11:32:47 From Marian Starkey to Everyone: And the girls’ education figure is from page 10 of this working paper: https://www.cgdev.org/sites/default/files/1424557_file_Wheeler_Hammer_Economics_Pop_Policy.pdf 11:34:02 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Our Population Education program is amazing! I'm eager to hear the winners of this year's video contest. You can learn more about PopEd here: https://populationconnection.org/population-education/k-12-students/ 11:35:10 From Don M to Everyone: I would like to share this webinar with friends. Will this webinar be posted on YouTube so I can share with friends. Thank you. 11:35:33 From Taylor R to Everyone: Great idea! 11:36:30 From Drew M to Everyone: Drew M Florida 11:37:13 From Richard R to Everyone: Thank you, John. Great program. 11:37:43 From Gabe K to Everyone: Excellent presentation. 11:38:20 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Thanks everyone for listening! If you have any questions for John, please drop them in the Q&A box found at the bottom of your screen. We'll do our best to get as many questions answered! 11:39:07 From Drew M to Everyone: How much would it cost to provide all women in the US Free Family Planning services? 11:39:08 From Lila G to Everyone: Thanks for the answer about effective organizations! 11:39:28 From Gabe K to Everyone: The reason I believe that men I believe don’t care is simple:they don’t get pregnant! Think about It!From Gabe retired urologist 11:39:38 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Sure thing, Lila! 11:41:18 From Richard R to Everyone: Another thing that can be done - VOTE ! 11:41:50 From Gabe K to Everyone: Recommend Greta Thunberg’s “The Climate Book”. 11:42:32 From Taylor R to Everyone: Do your vacations locally more often and far away less often! 11:42:57 From Taylor R to Everyone: YES VOTE! 11:43:19 From Drew M to Everyone: Buy less, Eat less!! 11:44:18 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Hi Gabe, thanks for the recommendation! If you're interested in discussing publications related to our mission, check out our Book Club! We've discussed a handful of climate-related books. I'll add Greta's book to our ongoing list. https://populationconnection.org/virtual-events/book-club/ 11:45:11 From Drew M to Everyone: Universal Health Care with full coverage of reproductive services. 11:45:22 From Gabe K to Everyone: Much of what John discussed is included in Gretabook. 11:45:32 From Brian B to Everyone: The mismatch between the pace of technological change and the duration of human generations is important. Another good read: Saito’s “Slow Down: a Degrowth Manifesto” 11:45:39 From Gabe K to Everyone: Greta’s book.. 11:45:40 From Drew M to Everyone: Separation of Church and State. 11:46:31 From Gabe K to Everyone: Yes .religion is a problem for us. 11:46:47 From Natalie Widel to Everyone: A recording of this event will be posted on the website and emailed to all attendees before the end of the week! 11:48:32 From Drew M to Everyone: We need to provide nature with rights similar to humans. 11:49:31 From Drew M to Everyone: there are better ways to reduce heat than air conditioning which is very wasteful of energy. I live in a hot climate but do not use air conditioning. 11:55:09 From Marian Starkey to Everyone: I think this is the speech John referenced: https://www.jfklibrary.org/learn/about-jfk/the-kennedy-family/robert-f-kennedy/robert-f-kennedy-speeches/remarks-at-the-university-of-kansas-march-18-1968 11:55:11 From Lila G to Everyone: Quality vs quantity of life on the planet. 11:55:29 From Gabe K to Everyone: Great presentation-very satisfying to interact with such enlightened people! 11:56:42 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Our Global Partners are amazing! https://populationconnection.org/learn/international-partnerships/ 11:59:44 From Jo Lynne to Everyone: Thank you. 12:00:13 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Contact John: john@popconnect.org 12:00:33 From Carolyn W to Everyone: Thank you! 12:00:39 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Thanks all!! 12:00:45 From Kamal R to Everyone: Thank you all.