11:01:02 From Lisa W to Everyone: Lisa Dallas TX 11:01:04 From Ronald M to Everyone: Ron M, Fresno, California 11:01:05 From John Y to Everyone: John from Baltimore 11:01:11 From Liz H to Everyone: Liz from Asheville NC! 11:01:12 From Paul K to Everyone: Cathy and Paul K - Ohio 11:01:14 From Jack A to Everyone: Jack A Kansas 11:01:15 From Michael B to Everyone: Mike from Oregon 11:01:15 From Carol M to Everyone: Greetings from Wellfleet on Cape Cod MA 11:01:15 From caroline w to Everyone: caroline w Maryland 11:01:18 From Edith J to Everyone: Raleigh, NC 11:01:24 From Bob H to Everyone: Bob- Milwaukee,WI 11:01:25 From Jo L to Everyone: Jo L from Denver 11:01:28 From Gail B to Everyone: Gail from Arizona 11:01:29 From Larry K to Everyone: Larry K Nyack NY 11:01:31 From Jim M to Everyone: Jim from NH 11:01:33 From Jeremy B to Everyone: Jeremy in Indiana 11:01:35 From Christopher J to Everyone: Christopher from Denver/Portland 11:01:35 From Nandini M to Everyone: Florida 11:01:39 From Celine Delacroix to Everyone: Celine from Quebec! 11:01:48 From Robert P to Everyone: Bob in Texas 11:01:52 From Alan W to Everyone: Alan - Twin Cities, MN 11:01:58 From Kathleen R to Everyone: Kathleen from Glenview, IL 11:01:59 From Hazen M to Everyone: George from Hernando FL 11:02:13 From Mark M G to Everyone: Mark, Racine, WI. 11:02:21 From Muriel R to Everyone: Muriel Boston 11:02:29 From Cathleen H to Everyone: Cathleen, Basking Ridge, NJ 11:02:59 From Liz H to Everyone: Yay Nandita!!!! 11:03:26 From Cathleen H to Everyone: Cathleen, Basking Ridge, NJ 11:06:21 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: If you have questions for Nandita, please drop them in the Q&A box found at the bottom of your screen! 11:08:29 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: You can find the paper here: https://www.whp-journals.co.uk/JPS/article/view/1142 11:09:26 From Alaine G to Everyone: Will the slides be available to today's participants? 11:10:13 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Hi Alaine! Yes, the slides will be available post event! 11:12:16 From Marianna T to Everyone: I thought insects had the largest biomass 11:13:02 From Ira D to Everyone: This was about MAMMALS 11:13:09 From Marianna T to Everyone: oh yes 11:13:33 From Marianna T to Everyone: I suspect it is similar for birds 11:14:14 From Nelson C to Everyone: The video said 7 but I thought we were at 8 billion? 11:15:20 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Hi Nelson, we are now at 8 billion as of Nov 2022. Looks like the video went up to 2015. 11:16:50 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Our statement regarding the reinstatement of the Global Gag Rule: https://populationconnection.org/press-releases/population-connection-supports-statement-opposing-global-gag-rule/ 11:17:42 From Marianna T to Everyone: Puerto Rico is not a country 11:20:31 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: You can view episodes from the Overshoot podcast (previously the Overpopulation podcast) here: https://www.populationbalance.org/podcast 11:23:45 From Elisabeth G to Everyone: Is there sustainable native forest growth? Or, are all forests doomed to plunder by logging and other unsustainable activities? 11:24:10 From Raymond R to Everyone: Glad to join this discussion...Dr Raymond,Regional Director -AFRICA CLIMATE & HEALTH ALLIANCE(ACĤA-AFRICA) based in Uganda +256774652222. email:ruyokaray@gmail.com. Thank you for the podcasts-great information....my only question is on Population overshoot and it's impact on nature & Climate change.what is UNFPA perspectives on this???,..thanks 11:24:53 From Marianna T to Everyone: I think sustainable does not just have to refer to development. it can also refer to things like packaging, waste management, recovery from disasters, rezoning of land 11:29:11 From Marianna T to Everyone: This is a little bit like the discussion of "inflation". Lowering the inflation to 1 or 2% in the US, doesn't mean "inflation" has gone or way or that prices are back to what they used to be. 11:29:49 From Dawn I to Everyone: Please stop picking at what she's saying, & commenting, so we can pay attention!! 11:30:35 From Muriel R to Everyone: Yes. I do not want to see the Chat 11:30:56 From Jo L to Everyone: Very important points. 11:31:35 From Anthony A to Everyone: Right, because inflation isn’t always the cause to higher prices that are out there. I.E. High Egg prices now caused by Avian Flu. 11:31:37 From Natalie Widel to Everyone: Hi everyone--if you click the "Chat" icon you can hide the chat bar so you aren't distracted by it while Nandita is speaking! 11:33:44 From Muriel R to Everyone: Thanks. 11:34:13 From Claire A to Everyone: Whoa! Did the UCS really say that? I thot they were rational scientists. I wld like more info re when/where this quote appeared- I will contact them bc I will stop supporting them if they can’t clarify or retract that comment 11:34:16 From Nandini M to Everyone: "Live simply so that others may simply live." 11:35:36 From Stephanie Wolfe to Marianna T: Hi Marianna, I'm glad you're engaged with the presentation! Nandita is sharing so much important info! 11:35:55 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Nandini I love that quote! 11:36:02 From Valerie G to Everyone: By clicking on the arrow of the chat box at the bottom, you can stop seeing the chat previews. 11:36:36 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Yes, thanks Valerie for pointing that out! 11:36:53 From Cathleen Hothersall to Everyone: Great slogan, Nandini! 11:37:51 From Marianna T to Everyone: I think the global inflation in costs of food and housing are inevitable and hard to tackle because of population growth. The wide spread increase in housing prices is rarely discussed in terms of population growth but I think it should be 11:43:12 From Claire A to Everyone: Assuming most (all?) of us wld like to tell the UNFPA we disagree w their current platform, wld love if we could hear more soon about a letter writing campaign we can all work on (?) 11:45:35 From Marianna T to Everyone: Yes Claire 11:50:46 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Hi Claire and Marianna, I will look into hosting a letter writing campaign. In the meantime, I want to share our media guide with you. There are some suggestions and tips that will help get you started: https://populationconnection.org/act/media-guide/ 11:53:26 From Jenn Lynaugh to Everyone: What an EXCELLENT presentation, thank you!!! 11:53:44 From Taina L to Everyone: Wonderful talk. Many thanks. Was it recorded and will it be available? 11:54:17 From Liz H to Everyone: Thank you so much for the great work you and your team are doing nandita. How refreshing and encouraging. 11:54:27 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: Hi Taina, the presentation was recorded and will be posted on our website soon! Stay tuned for a follow up email. 11:54:27 From David N to Everyone: Thank you, Nandita for an excellent presentation. 11:54:47 From Suzanne R to Everyone: Yes, please post how we can see this again and hopefully share it with other enlightened folks. Great lecture. 11:56:13 From Claire A to Everyone: Thx Stephanie- will def stay tuned. Together we can make a difference- need to make our voices heard and confront insidious , dualistic, small minded pronatalism 11:58:08 From Claire A to Everyone: This is about women,s rights 11:58:24 From Claire A to Everyone: Women WANT access to family planning 11:59:56 From Cathleen H to Everyone: Great presentation! Thank you very much! Keep up the great work! 12:00:15 From Stephanie Wolfe to Everyone: No problem Claire. I'm glad you were able to tune in today! 12:01:32 From Marianna T to Everyone: Ecological collapse will cause economic collapse 12:01:41 From Nandini M to Everyone: There seems to be a direct correlation between population & the quality of life. 12:01:48 From Mark M G to Everyone: Great presentation! 12:02:07 From Robert J to Everyone: Great job, Nandita!