Our #Fight4HER Campaign Is Stronger Than Ever!
Written by Trisha Maharaj, Grassroots Advocacy & Outreach Fellow | Published: March 2, 2020
2019 was a big year for #Fight4HER, our joint campaign with Population Connection Action Fund. Across the country, our activists worked hard to make the campaign—now in its fourth year—stronger than ever. Here’s a look back at some of the things that happened last year!
We kicked off the year by organizing events in our key cities to mark the second anniversary of Trump’s Global Gag Rule. We hosted candlelight vigils in remembrance of those impacted by the dangerous policy and a “die-in” at Arizona State University to highlight the policy’s deadly consequences.

In March, #Fight4HER activists in Ohio mobilized to fight the state’s “heartbeat” abortion bill. They attended protests and hosted a panel called “Heartbeat Bills, Gag Rules, and the State of Your Repro Rights.” One of our volunteers, Sarah Szilagy, had the opportunity to testify against the bill at a hearing at the state Capitol.
We held another successful Capitol Hill Days weekend where nearly 350 activists gathered in DC to participate in advocacy trainings and workshops. Then the activists put their new skills to work on Capitol Hill, meeting with their senators and representatives to advocate for global reproductive health and rights, including a permanent repeal of the Global Gag Rule.

In response to a wave of extreme abortion bans last spring, in May, #Fight4HER activists participated in the #StopTheBans protests that occurred across the country.
#Fight4HER activists birddogged[1] several presidential candidates, including Bernie Sanders, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tulsi Gabbard, Beto O’Rourke, and Marianne Williamson, and got their stances on reproductive rights on record.

To start off our Summer of HER, 72 fellows participated in our Activist Institute, where they learned organizing skills through classroom workshops and in-the-field experience.
We hosted Summer of HER Summits in 10 cities, bringing together more than 450 activists and experts to discuss how best to defend global reproductive health and rights.
In September, #Fight4HER organizer Prabh Virk was invited, along with Planned Parenthood, to be part of Sen. Sherrod Brown’s (D-OH) round table discussion about Title X.
Throughout the year, #Fight4HER activists were able to meet with Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Reps. Susan Wild (D-PA-7), Dina Titus (D-NV-1), Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ-2), and Joyce Beatty (D-OH-3) to thank them directly for their commitment to reproductive rights and their support of the Global HER Act.
#Fight4HER activists hosted 21 “kitchen table conversations” across the country, where they brought together their friends and families to learn about the Global Gag Rule and contact their representatives about the Global HER Act. Over 350 people participated!

Over the course of 2019, over 400 activists were trained and more than 4,700 petitions were signed in support of the Global HER Act!
We’re so proud of everything that our #Fight4HER organizers and activists accomplished last year, and we’re excited for what’s to come in 2020! We are gearing up for a full year of advocacy, organizing, and action. Join us as we continue the fight for global reproductive freedom!
[1] Birddogging is the act of asking candidates direct, targeted questions in public.