We invite you to attend a virtual event with us!

Join us for webinars, presentations, film screenings, and training courses held throughout the year! Virtual events are an easy and accessible way for you to learn more about population issues, connect with Population Connection staff, and meet others interested in working together for a more sustainable future for our planet.

Please contact us at engage@popconnect.org if you have any additional thoughts or feedback for future events—we love hearing from you!

Upcoming Events

Page Turners Book Club

Not the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet by Hannah Ritchie

For the first Page Turners Book Club meeting of 2025, we will discuss Not the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet by Hannah Ritchie.

A Scottish data scientist, senior researcher at the University of Oxford, and deputy editor at Our World in Data, Ritchie offers an inspiring and practical roadmap for addressing climate change and building a sustainable future. Drawing on scientific research and real-world data, she presents actionable strategies for individuals, communities, and policymakers to make a meaningful impact.

The ideas outlined are rooted in optimism and solid evidence, challenging us to envision—and actively create—a thriving, resilient world that prioritizes environmental sustainability and human well-being.

Date: Thursday, February 6th
Time: 4 pm ET/1 pm PT

Register Here!

In Case You Missed It...

2024 Events

We hosted inspiring presentations with Global Partners, unpacked population projections with demography experts, held engaging discussions at our book club, and learned more about PopConnect programs through staff presentations!

More Details Here

Global Partners Series

Since 2016, we’ve made grants or donations to small-to-medium sized organizations working on the ground in their communities to remove barriers to girls’ education, increase access to public health and family planning services, and conserve wildlife. We were able to expand this program in 2022 and are excited to showcase our amazing partners!

More Details Here

2023 Events

Throughout the year, we hosted a variety of virtual events including guest speakers, a photo contest, Global Partners presentations, and book club meetings. Our events have fostered a vibrant community dialogue on population trends, reproductive rights, and sustainable development.

More Details Here

Event Archive

2022 Events

We’ve had a full year of virtual events, hosting experts in the fields of conservation, population issues, sustainable development, and women’s empowerment.

All 2022 Events

Featured Events:

8 Billion Mini Series

Leading up to the 8 billion milestone, we hosted a number of events where we discussed how our growing population hampers progress toward environmental preservation, climate change efforts, and poverty alleviation. We heard from community organizers in Uganda, youth activists in Nepal, and PopConnect staff based across the country.

8 Billion Mini Series

Demography Series

This spring we hosted our virtual demography series! Hannah Evans, our Senior Analyst, hosted educational sessions once a month from March to June that explored the various ways in which human population trends and dynamics affect global sustainable development and environmental change.

Demography Series

2021 Events

For the past year, we’ve successfully conducted a series of virtual events, featuring renowned professionals specializing in conservation, sustainable development, demography, and reproductive rights.

All 2021 Events

Featured Events:

Book Club Meetings

In 2021 we started our “Page Turners” Book Club, excited to have a new way to connect with our members and supporters on the latest publications that discuss population dynamics, sustainable development, and environmental issues. Every two months, we hosted one-hour discussions on books chosen by our audience. Publications include The New Climate War by Michael E. Mann and The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert.

Page Turners Book Club

Earth Day Passport Series

We celebrated this year’s Earth Day all month long, hosting speakers from organizations around the world to discuss family planning services and reproductive rights in their communities. We wrapped up presentations with an on-demand screening of the new documentary, 2040, followed by a discussion of the film on Earth Day!

2021 Earth Day

2020 Events

Over the past year, we’ve assembled a lineup of virtual events showcasing experts in reproductive rights, conservation, and population dynamics.

All 2020 Events

Featured Events:

2020 Population + Climate Change Course

An introduction to population studies, this month-long course is particularly useful for anyone interested in volunteering with Population Connection in the future. The weekly sessions take a deeper look at how population dynamics relate to global issues such as poverty, sustainable development, access to health care, climate change, and the health of our planet.

Population and Climate Change Course

2020 Earth Day Challenge

Leading up to the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we held a virtual Earth Day challenge consisting of daily actions individuals could partake in to reduce their environmental impact. Two of the challenges included tuning in to presentations hosted by our President John Segar and Communications Manager Hannah Evans.

2020 Earth Day