Capitol Hill Days

America's voice for population stabilization

Overpopulation threatens the quality of life for people everywhere. Population Connection is the national grassroots population organization that educates young people and advocates progressive action to stabilize world population at a level that can be sustained by Earth’s resources.

Our goals and programs

New Magazine Issue

Read about our recent involvement in United Nations conferences and meetings, catch up on #Fight4HER campaign happenings, and see the winners of the World of 8 Billion student video contest and of the Summer Photo Contest!

September issue

Attend a Virtual Event with our Population Education Team!

From enhancing teachers’ content knowledge and skills to inspiring future leaders, PopEd provides a range of resources and events to help classes address global challenges through a sustainability lens. Our hands-on workshops across North America bring these critical topics to life in classrooms, while our Leadership Institutes offer immersive training for educators to deepen their expertise and represent us in their communities.

Teachers can connect and collaborate through networking events, and our student video contest encourages creative engagement with global issues. For those seeking professional development, our accredited graduate course offers in-depth knowledge of population trends and global sustainability. We hope participants will leave with fresh insights and resources, creating a ripple effect of informed and empowered learners.

We invite you to join this exciting event next Wednesday, October 23rd, at 2 pm ET/11 am PT!

RSVP Here!

Join the "Green Spaces of Our Lives" Photo Project!

Grab your camera on your next outdoor excursion and take a photo of yourself in a natural environment to add to the “Green Spaces of Our Lives” photo series project, led by the Chair of our Board of Directors, Bryce Hach.

Bryce enjoys taking self-portraits while out in nature. He hopes to encourage you to join him in sharing your own photos with your fellow Population Connection members and supporters as a testament to the importance of global population stabilization for the future of our beautiful planet.

View the entries and submit your own photo to become a part of this interactive project!

Submit your own photo!
You are the only people doing the work that really counts. As a lifelong environmentalist, writer, and former national media director for Greenpeace, my big gripe was that no one was paying attention to the critical issue of our time: overpopulation. Neville Williams

Catch up on our blog

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Dying planet report? WWF issues dire warning on state of nature

A new report by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) reveals, sadly unsurprisingly, that biodiversity loss continues to worsen, and warns that continuing on the current trajectory will trigger catastrophic tipping…

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“Baby bust”? No, just a much-needed fertility transition

Governments across the Global North are panicking over low birth rates because of their potential dampening effects on economic growth. But we must embrace fertility decline as a vital stepping…

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Support us

Population Connection is a membership-based organization, funded by 40,000 progressive, far-sighted individuals. Join us!

Donate to Population Connection

Attend an event

We keep our members and supporters engaged through various virtual events. Come to our next one and meet like-minded folks who support population stabilization!

See details

Advocate for ZPG

Help us spread the message that zero population growth is necessary for a sustainable future. Write to your local newspaper or simply talk to friends and family about your passion for population stabilization.

More info

2024 accomplishments

8,000+ Activists

Capitol Building

Population Connection Action Fund mobilized thousands of activists through petitions, volunteer meetings, partner-led events, and #Fight4HER summits.

10,000+ Educators

Kids pointing at map

Population Education hosted workshops for more than 10,000 K-12 educators throughout the U.S. and Canada, providing them with the materials and resources they need to teach PopEd in their classrooms.

800+ Supporters

Earth Day Banner photoMembership Relations engaged with our supporter base through 15 virtual events this year, including book club discussions and webinars featuring our Global Partners, guest speakers, and PopConnect staff.