

Family Planning Is Underfunded, and Roe Is About to Become History

June 21, 2022 | Articles

Farewell to Stacie Murphy The author of this column for the past 15 years has moved on to a new chapter in her career. Stacie Murphy started working at Population Connection as a Government Relations Fellow in 2007; by the time she left, in April, she had served as Director…...

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Partner Profile: Lemur Love

June 21, 2022 | Articles

Dr. Marni LaFleur is the Founder and Director of Lemur Love, an organization in Madagascar that Population Connection is proud to support. Marni is also an Assistant Professor at the University of San Diego, where she teaches Biological Anthropology, and she’s a member of the International Union for Conservation of…...

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President's Note, June 2022

June 21, 2022 | Articles

Are we there yet? That’s a familiar, if frustrating, refrain heard by those sharing long car rides with young children. When it comes to our own population mission, “getting there” entails three key steps: Attaining replacement rate fertility: Demographers define that level as about 2.1 children per woman in low-mortality…...

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Harnessing Africa's Baby Boom: Women Seize Power Over Their Fertility—and Future

June 21, 2022 | Articles

Originally published by The Telegraph Africa’s population is on track to double by 2050. Experts warn the continent’s high birth rate perpetuates poverty—so does the solution lie in family planning? Sarah Newey visits Ghana to find out. Pictures by Simon Townsley. Senior and Junior are asleep in their mother’s arms,…...

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Sitting in the Rage of the Moment While Standing Up and Fighting Back

June 21, 2022 | Articles

In March, together with Population Connection Action Fund, we hosted our annual advocacy conference, Capitol Hill Days. Attendees tuned in to Zoom presentations and interactive training sessions after weeks of radical attacks on reproductive rights in state legislatures across the country, with even more looming on the horizon. We were…...

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Letters to the Editor, June 2022

June 21, 2022 | Articles

Thank you for your article “Studying Our Stuff: Life Cycle Analysis Activities for Grades 6-12.” The activities are timely and educational. Most people, not just school children, are not aware of or choose not to think about where stuff comes from or where it goes. By learning about “stuff” they…...

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The Supreme Court Is Egregiously Wrong in Its Draft Opinion

June 21, 2022 | Articles

Dara E. Purvis, JD The world was rocked the evening of May 2, when a draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked to Politico. The draft is not a surprise, but Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion is a broad attack on privacy rights…...

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Editor's Note, June 2022

June 21, 2022 | Articles

I’m not normally someone who procrastinates, but I really dragged my feet writing this column, waiting for inspiration to strike (it still hasn’t, so please forgive the stream of consciousness that follows). From a Supreme Court on the brink of a decision that will take away a fundamental right to…...

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In the News, June 2022

June 21, 2022 | Articles

New IPCC Report Glosses Over Role of Population Stabilization in Climate Change Mitigation The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is in the process of publishing its Sixth Assessment Report (assessments have come out every six to eight years since 1990). The assessment is being conducted by three…...

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Editorial Excerpts, June 2022

June 21, 2022 | Articles

… Many who oppose Roe v. Wade today, and even some who support it, argue that the 1973 ruling short-circuited a running debate over abortion, a debate that should have been allowed to play out in the states, many of which had long banned abortion. This is one of the…...

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