Virtual Events

Written by Natalie Widel, Director of Digital Marketing | Published: March 10, 2025

Kicking Off 2025 and Looking Forward to Spring

We’re proud to host expert speakers, bring you stories from those working on the front lines of reproductive health care and conservation efforts, and facilitate important conversations about how population issues impact our world at virtual events throughout the year! We hope that this will be the year you join in, if you haven’t already — see recaps of past events and information about upcoming opportunities here.

Confronting Population Denial Within the United Nations

Population Connection members and supporters celebrated the start of a new year by joining Nandita Bajaj of Population Balance for an insightful virtual event in January.

Founded in 1991 and based in Minnesota, Population Balance works for “a future where our human footprint is in balance with life on Earth, enabling all species to thrive.” Nandita became the Executive Director in 2021, and she also produces and co-hosts the organization’s two podcasts, OVERSHOOT | Shrink Toward Abundance (formerly called The Overpopulation Podcast) and Beyond Pronatalism. Additionally, she is an adjunct faculty member at the Institute for Humane Education at Antioch University.

Her presentation examined the impact that population growth and overconsumption have on today’s most pressing global crises. She also discussed the dismissal by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) of the consequences of population growth and how the agency is at odds with the way people in fast-growing countries perceive population challenges.

Finally, Nandita shared insights from a paper she coauthored, “Challenging Pronatalism Is Key to Advancing Reproductive Rights and a Sustainable Population,” which was published in 2023 in The Journal of Population and Sustainability.

Page Turners Book Club

In February, members convened for our first Page Turners book club meeting of 2025 — the book club is now in its fifth year!

Attendees discussed Not the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet by data scientist Hannah Ritchie, a senior researcher at the University of Oxford and Deputy Editor at Our World in Data. She draws on research and data to present actionable strategies for individuals, communities, and policymakers to help create a thriving, resilient future. She also displays skepticism that a shrinking population would alleviate environmental crises, which sparked an interesting conversation amongst book club members.

Upcoming: Earth Day!

We’re now looking ahead to spring and Earth Day! In addition to hosting virtual events throughout the month of April, the Membership Relations team is available to facilitate member tabling at your local Earth Day events. Check out this page on our website to see what’s in store and how you can get involved!

Longtime Population Connection members Audrey Bernstein, Middy Streeter, Kevin Farley, and Paula Grande tabling at the NYC Earth Day event in Union Square in 2023