

America’s voice for population stabilization

Keep up with our blog to stay informed on all the latest population-related news and developments!

Human population growth is squeezing out wild animals

August 29, 2024 | Post

A new study projects that human-wildlife overlap will increase across more than half of all land areas by 2070, mainly due to human population growth. This is bad news for wild species, of which one million are already estimated to be facing extinction. Population growth and biodiversity loss Human population…...

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August is National Make-a-Will Month!

August 27, 2024 | Post

Most Americans don’t have a will or estate plan. Why? Simple procrastination! August is National Make-a-Will Month and the perfect reminder to create or update your will. To help get you started, we wanted to share a few tips on the basics of planned giving (what does that mean exactly??),…...

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Escaping overshoot: Exploring pathways to a sustainable future

August 7, 2024 | Post

Earth Overshoot Day fell on August 1 this year, meaning that in the first seven months of 2024, we already used up all the natural resources the planet can regenerate in a year. We need to escape overshoot by reining in unsustainable consumption and population growth. Let’s take a look…...

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Re: Population Growth Isn’t a Progressive Issue. It Should Be.

August 5, 2024 | Post

The New York Times recently published a guest essay arguing that progressives should push for infinite population growth. We sent a letter to voice our disagreement which was not published, so we are featuring it here. We encourage all our members and supporters to make their voices heard! See our…...

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New UN population projections: Where are we headed?

July 26, 2024 | Post

The United Nations recently published a new set of world population estimates and projections. According to the UN demographers, we are still on track for a peak of more than 10 billion in the 2080s, with little change until the end of the century. Let’s take a closer look at…...

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Is it time for another world population conference?

July 17, 2024 | Post

Slowing global population growth used to be an international priority, but an ideologically-driven shift away from pursuing demographic targets in the '90s seems to have led to stagnating funding for international family planning programs. We take a look at the major high-level population conferences through recent history and argue that…...

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World Population Day: Why we should still be concerned about human population growth

July 11, 2024 | Post

July 11 is World Population Day, a United Nations observance day first marked in 1990 to raise awareness of the urgency and importance of population issues. Concern about the impacts of rapid population growth on the environment and poverty alleviation efforts used to be widespread, leading to many successful voluntary…...

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Re: Ending growth won't save the planet

June 24, 2024 | Post

The Washington Post editorial board recently published a flawed and problematic article arguing in favor of infinite growth. We sent a letter in response, which was not published, so we are featuring it here. We encourage all our members and supporters to make their voices heard! See our media guide…...

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Re: The great baby bust

June 17, 2024 | Post

One of our members made us aware of an article bemoaning the "baby bust" in the print version of The Week. We responded with a letter to the editor which we are featuring here as we did not hear back. We encourage all our members and supporters to make their…...

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The lone and level sands stretch far away: Confronting desertification

June 5, 2024 | Post

Today is World Environment Day, an annual UN observance day aimed at increasing awareness of and mobilizing action on environmental issues. This year’s focus is land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience, tying in with the upcoming World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, observed on June 17. These themes are…...

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