Turimiquire repro health workshop, outside

Turimiquire Foundation

Sociologist Juan Carlos leading a rural reproductive health workshop at Turimiquire Foundation

The mission of Turimiquire Foundation (which means “Seat of the Gods” in Indigenous Carib) is to improve the lives of the marginalized rural populations of northeastern Venezuela by offering a range of programs focused on reproductive health and family planning, public education, rural livelihoods, poverty reduction, and environmental conservation. In response to the ongoing social, political, and economic crises in Venezuela, the foundation also provides humanitarian aid.

The Turimiquire theory of change is the Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) model, which holistically addresses challenges in developing, vulnerable, and remote communities that have a range of challenges. PHE addresses these challenges with a multi-pronged approach, improving access to health services (especially family planning and reproductive health), while helping households improve livelihoods, manage natural resources, and conserve the ecosystems critical to people’s day-to-day survival. Turimiquire’s work has shown that using the PHE development model is more effective than following a single focus effort in improving people’s lives.

"At the Turimiquire Foundation, we have seen reproductive health in our target populations tangibly improve in the two decades since our founding. We have developed and demonstrated proven strategies to deliver our services, and our small local initiative has grown to become the only recognized reproductive health non-profit serving three rural counties in our state of Sucre. We are proud of the positive impact that the Foundation has had in so many rural communities and urban barrios (neighborhoods)." Steven Bloomstein, President of Turimiquire Foundation

Meet the President

Steven Bloomstein, President of Turimiquire Foundation

Steven has lived in Venezuela since 1973. He directs the foundation and administers its family planning and rural education and development programs. He is co-founder of the Dos Pasos farm with Robert Albert.

Pictured: Dr. Silvia Quijada, Turimiquire Foundation surgery coordinator, holds a Population Connection envelope being used to deliver paperwork to a surgery team. Steven Bloomstein, right, says that Population Connection envelopes also come in handy for distributing condoms, especially to adolescents concerned with privacy.

Watch Steven's Presentation at Capitol Hill Days 2021
Photo of Steven, President of Turimiquire

About Turimiquire Foundation

Turimiquire Foundation is based in Cambridge, MA, and raises funds that are disbursed by Fundación ServYr: Sociedad de Educacion Rural, Vida y Reproduccion. The Fundación ServYr then oversees the actual programs on the ground in Venezuela. Turimiquire’s work has shown that women who have access to family planning and reproductive health can control their fertility and their lives. Fundación ServYr is the only non-profit in northeastern Venezuela and currently serves the rural populations in three counties in the state of Sucre. From its incorporation in 1996 to the present, it has helped to improve the lives of more than 90,000 low-income people.

Turimiquire’s Direct Service Programs

Turimiquire Foundation supports a range of essential programs, including:

  • Family Planning Services – Providing reproductive health education, contraceptives, medical procedures, and administrative support.
  • Reproductive Health Workshops – Educating communities about sexual and reproductive health.
  • Rural Education Program – Offering high school and college scholarships to local youth.
  • Community Development Initiatives – Supporting projects that improve local infrastructure and quality of life.
  • Humanitarian Aid Distribution – Addressing social and economic crises by providing essential resources to those in need.

2024 impact

Here are some of the 2024 accomplishments, some of which we are proud to have supported:

  • 9198 Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services delivered.
  • 2377 Medical Consultations in reproductive health and other primary health care.
  • 1854 Medical Follow-ups: Lab work, imaging, medicine, eyeglasses, nutrition, biopsies, and treatments.
  • 1790 Surgeries: Tubal sterilizations, vasectomies, hernia repairs, gynecological, orthopedic, oncological, pediatric, ophthalmologic, and ENT procedures.
  • 712 Reproductive Health Education Workshops for 27,991 participants focusing on teenagers, students, young adults, and public health and education personnel.
  • Scholarship Program for primary and high school students at a remote rural school and selected college students.
  • Community education services which offer computers, Internet access, and onsite tutoring.
  • Emergency Assistance to alleviate critical problems associated with poverty, such as child malnutrition.
  • Fruit Tree Distribution in various rural communities.

The Turimiquire Foundation and its sister organization, Fundación ServYr, are a perfect fit for a partnership with Population Connection. Women, girls, and families can control their lives, live sustainably, and coexist with nature by addressing population growth through family planning and education.

Learn more about Turimiquire in this Q&A!

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Women awaiting family planning services.

Enabling choices, changing lives: Q&A with Turimiquire Foundation

Through our Global Partners program, Population Connection supports a growing number of grassroots organizations around the world working to increase access to education, public health and family planning services. Their…

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