Solutions Through Reproductive Health: Recommended Readings

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Solutions Through Reproductive Health: Why Family Planning Matters to Climate Change


Academic Sources:

  1. Bryant, L. et al. (2009). Climate change and family planning: least-developed countries define the agenda. Bull World Health Organ, 87. 852-857. doi:10.2471/BLT.08.062562.
  2. Gerlagh, R., Lupi, V., Galeotti, M. (2019). Family planning and climate change. CESifo Working Paper No. 7421. Available at SSRN:
  3. Guillebaud, J. (2016). Voluntary family planning to minimise and mitigate climate change. BMJ, 353:i2102.
  4. Joshi, Shareen and Schultz, T. Paul, Family Planning as an Investment in Development: Evaluation of a Program’s Consequences in Matlab, Bangladesh (2007). Yale University Economic Growth Center Discussion Paper No. 951; IZA Discussion Paper No. 2639; iHEA 2007 6th World Congress: Explorations in Health Economics Paper.
  5. Mazur, L. (2010). A pivotal moment: Population, Justice, and the Environmental Challenge. Island Press.Washington DC. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.
  6. Patterson, K., et al. (2019). Building resilience through family planning and climate adaptation finance:systematic review and opportunity analysis. The Lancet Planetary Health, 3(12). doi:
  7. Starbird, E., Norton, M., Marcus, R. (2016). Investing in family planning: key to achieving the sustainable development goals. Global Health: Science and Practice. 4(2), 191-210.

General Sources:

  1. Canning, D., Raja, S., Yazbeck, A.S. (2015). African’s Demographic Transition. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank. Washington, DC:
  2. Climate Change: Time to Think Family Planning: An advocacy toolkit for planning advocates. (2016).International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). Climate%20Change%20Time%20to%20Think%20Family%20Planning%20Advocacy%20Toolkit%20Final.pdf
  3. Family planning/ Contraception. (2018). World Health Organization (WHO).
  4. Hammer, D. and Wheeler, D. (2010). The economics of population policy for carbon emissions reduction in developing countries. Center for Global Development. Washington, D.C.
  5. Hawken, P. et al. (2020). The Drawdown Review. Project Drawdown.
  6. Horton, R. The Lancet. (2017). Deliver for Good: Investments in girls and women power progress for all. The investment case for girls and women. Women Deliver.
  7. Just the math: Methodology for calculating the U.S. share of the cost of addressing the unmet need for contraception in developing countries. (2018). Population Action International.
  8. Kanem, N. (2018). Family planning is a human right. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
  9. Miller, G. and Babiarz, K.S. (2016). Family planning program effects: A review of evidence from microdata. Center for Global Development. Working Paper 442. Washington, D.C.
  10. Mutunga, C., Zulu, E., De Souza, R.M. (2012). Population dynamics, climate change, and sustainable development in Africa. Population Action International (PAI). African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP).
  11. Patterson, K. (2016). Climate Change, Health, and Population Dynamics: A View from Tanzania. PRB, Cool Green Science.
  12. Singh, S, J E Darroch, L S Ashford and M Vlasoff. (2017). Adding It Up: The Costs and Benefits of Investing in Family Planning and Maternal and Newborn Health. New York: Guttmacher Institute and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).; Dennis, S and C Mutunga. Funding Common Ground: Cost Estimates for International Reproductive Health. Washington, DC. PAI.
  13. Sustainable Development Goals. (2019). United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge Platform:
  14. Summary for Policymakers. In: Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty [Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, H.-O. Pörtner, D. Roberts, J. Skea, P.R. Shukla, A. Pirani, W.Moufouma-Okia, C. Péan, R. Pidcock, S. Connors, J.B.R. Matthews, Y. Chen, X. Zhou, M.I. Gomis, E. Lonnoy, T.
    Maycock, M. Tignor, and T. Waterfield (eds.)]. In Press.
  15. Thornton PK, Jones PG, Owiyo T, Kruska RL, Herrero M, Kristjanson P, Notenbaert A, Bekele N and Omolo A, with contributions from Orindi V, Otiende B, Ochieng A, Bhadwal S, Anantram K, Nair S, Kumar V and Kulkar U (2006). Mapping climate vulnerability and poverty in Africa. Report to the Department for International Development, ILRI, PO Box 30709, Nairobi 00100, Kenya. Pp 171.
  16. World Population Prospects 2019: Highlights. (2019). United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. New York.

News Articles:

  1. Ahmed, O. (2020). Integrating a reproductive justice framework in climate research. Center for American Progress.
  2. Calma, J. (2020). Birth control and books can slow down climate change. The Verge.
  3. Dattler, R. (2018). World Contraception Day: Contraceptive funding in crisis. Countdown 2030 Europe. IPPF.
  4. Engelman, R. (2018). Why family planning makes a climate-sustainable future more likely., LLC.
  5. Hirsch, C. (2017). Family Planning: A win-win for women and climate change. Women Deliver. Population & Sustainability Network.
  6. Kelly, B. (2019). Opinion: Why family planning is key to climate adaptation. Thomson Reuters Foundation.
  7. Lieberman, A. (2019). How UNFPA rebounded from US funding cuts. Devex.
  8. Mueller, R. (2019). In Sahel: Family planning meets climate change. Yale Climate Connections.
  9. Patterson, K. (2015). How family planning could help slow climate change. Population Reference Bureau.
  10. The Associated Press. (2020). UN Report: Equality for women remains a distant goal. The New York Times.
  11. Watkins, A. (2019). Why climate change is really about social justice. Population Education. Population Connection.–9AYQ3XgtfTX_Omh3uDaEBvxgfwNBoRCU
  12. What we do: Family Planning 2020. Family Planning 2020.
  13. Whitley-Berry, V. (2017). Want to slow global warming? Researchers look to family planning. National Public Radio (NPR).
  14. Weinberg, A. (2019). The climate change solution scientists have been overlooking. Mother Jones.