Earth Day Presentation with John Seager

Whose Planet Is it, Anyway? Earth Day Challenges for a Crowded World

World population has more than tripled since the middle of the 20th century —with devastating impacts on people and our natural world. Yet talking about overpopulation remains taboo in many circles. We can’t bet the future of our living planet on technical solutions alone.

Access to family planning services is a vital solution to address health, development, and environmental challenges. Furthermore, it’s an internationally recognized human right. Ending overpopulation by removing the barriers to smaller families must be a priority on Earth Day — and every day!

Presentation Date: April 13th, 2023





The slides from this presentation will not be posted publicly, but available via email request. Please reach out to John directly at if you have further questions about the content shared during his event.

John Seager, Population Connection President and CEO

John has been a guest lecturer at more than 80 colleges and has spoken to numerous environmental, religious, and community groups all across the U.S. on the environmental and human costs of rapid population growth.

He was appointed to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency by the Clinton Administration and also served as Chief of Staff for U.S. Representative Peter H. Kostmayer (D-PA), a senior member of the House Interior and Foreign Affairs Committee. A veteran of more than 50 political campaigns, John has authored numerous op-eds and articles on various aspects of population growth. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Trinity College in Hartford, CT.