2024 Virtual Events

Explore our 2024 Virtual Events archive! All virtual speaking events, including Global Partner presentations and guest speakers from this year are available here!

International Day of the Girl with Asociación Manos Abiertas

We marked International Day of the Girl with a presentation from our Global Partner, Asociación Manos Abiertas!

During the event, Executive Director Diana Freiwald highlighted midwives’ role in improving maternal and neonatal health in Guatemala, where access to quality reproductive healthcare is limited. Additionally, she shared insights into their on-the-ground work. This includes launching a new mobile clinic made possible through our Global Partners Program.

Presentation Date: September 26th, 2024

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#Fight4HER 2024: Defending Reproductive Freedom in a Critical Year

Our #Fight4HER campaign is in full swing, having mobilized activists, organizers, and community leaders in key districts across the country to raise awareness about the barriers to reproductive health care and family planning options for people around the world.

This event provides a critical overview of the current advocacy landscape for reproductive health and rights, featuring firsthand insights from those working on the ground.

*The event was hosted by our sister organization, Population Connection Action Fund (PCAF)*

Presentation Date: September 26th, 2024

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Summer Photo Contest

Capturing everything from breathtaking landscapes to captivating animals, our talented community of photographers once again transported us through their stunning artwork. The enchanting moments portrayed in these photos continue to inspire us and remind us of the beauty and diversity of our world.

Photo Submitted by: Kathy Raffel

Contest Date: May 2024 to July 2024

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Global Demographic Trends: Insights from the Latest UN Projections

Marian Starkey, our VP for Communications, and Olivia Nater, our Communications Manager, were unpacking the latest projections from the UN World Population Prospects 2024 report. They discussed major updates, exploring topics such as fertility trends, age structure, and population projections.

Presentation Date: July 11th, 2024

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World Rainforest Day - Panel Discussion with Global Partners

Based in Uganda (Conservation Through Public Health), Madagascar (Lemur Love), and Colombia (Women for Conservation), all three organizations focus on preserving their local forests through public health initiatives, education and empowerment programs for those living in communities bordering the forests, particularly women and girls. During the discussion, we learned more about how their unique programs are adapted for the conservation challenges they face.

Presentation Date: June 27th, 2024

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Biodiversity Trivia Game

Biodiversity is the foundation of life on our planet, supporting ecosystems that provide us with food, clean air, and water. In collaboration with the Center for Biological Diversity, we cohosted an engaging trivia game filled with friendly competition and intriguing facts and tested our knowledge of biodiversity, population dynamics, endangered species, and reproductive rights.

Event Date: May 22nd, 2024

Take the Quiz Here

Population, Health, and Environment: The importance of drawing PHE links to close funding gaps

We hosted a virtual side event to the UN’s 57th Session of the Commission on Population and Development with Population Matters and Population Media Center! During the panel discussion, speakers will highlight how addressing the critical connections between population and sustainable development can help increase international reproductive health and rights funding.

Presentation Date: April 23rd, 2024

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Elevating Population Dynamics and Family Planning in Environmental Dialogue

Dr. Céline Delacroix, Director of the FP/Earth project with the Population Institute, joined us for Earth Day! Dr. Delacroix presented findings from a co-authored 2023 journal article that explores the perspectives of sub-Saharan African policymakers, researchers, and activists on the links between reproductive rights, population dynamics, and environmental sustainability.

Presentation Date: April 22nd, 2024

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Earth Day Insights: Population Resilience in the Face of Climate Challenges

Population pressures exacerbate environmental challenges, from resource depletion to biodiversity loss and climate crises. Using a human-rights-based approach—namely, removing barriers to family planning and girls’ education—we can empower people to have smaller families and contribute toward slower population growth.

Presentation Date: April 16th, 2024

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Create Your Legacy Through Planned Giving

Create Your Legacy Through Planned Giving Learn ways to ensure YOUR legacy continues well into the future by including a gift to Population Connection in your estate plans! During the event, hear testimonial from Julian and Kathy Donahue, ZPG Society members who have included Population Connection in their will.

Presentation Date: March 27, 2024

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Global Partner Series: Hope for Kenya Slum Adolescent Initiative

We marked International Women’s Day with Melvine Ouyo, Founder of Hope for Kenya Slum Adolescent Initiative (HKSAI). Through our partnership, we help support HKSAI’s Hope through Education Empowerment Program. This is a transformative initiative to elevate enrollment, retention, and graduation rates in higher education institutions.

Presentation Date: March 6th, 2024

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Dispelling Demographic Delusions

Recently, the UN has been revising the peak world population downward despite revising recent growth upward. Other demographic groups project even lower peaks. All have been overestimating fertility decline and underestimating population growth so far this century. The delusion that the peak is already baked into the pie downplays the need for greater family planning efforts. Over-optimistic projections are in danger of becoming self-defeating prophesies, as complacency leads to even greater population overshoot.

Presentation Date: February 22nd, 2024

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Empowering Change: Digital Activism for Environmental Protection and Women’s Rights

Florence Blondel, Content and Campaigns Specialist with Population Matters, is a seasoned reporter with extensive travel experience in rural Uganda. She seeks to amplify the voices of girls and women, advocate for environmental sustainability, and catalyze meaningful action using the power of digital spaces.

Presentation Date: January 23rd, 2024

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