Indigenous peoples are among the populations in the U.S. who are calling for climate equity and justice and the transition to renewable energy. Major policy initiatives adopted by the White House are seeking to mobilize research to support Indigenous energy goals. Dr. Whyte’s presentation covers Indigenous peoples’ action to address climate justice.
As a George Willis Pack Professor of Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan, Kyle Whyte covers a range of environmental topics with students and in his research. Professor Whyte is an enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, working diligently to lift the experiences and perspectives of Indigenous peoples in discussions of climate policy and food sovereignty. Additionally, his work explores the ethics of cooperative relationships between science organizations and Indigenous communities and he has had publications appear in journals such as Climatic Change, Weather, Climate & Society, WIREs Climate Change, Environment & Planning E, Daedalus, Synthese, and Sustainability Science.
Professor Whyte currently serves on the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council, the Management Committee of the Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition, and the Board of Directors of the Pesticide Action Network North America.
*Coming Soon*