Population Connection Summer Photo Contest

Check back soon for details on our 2024 Summer Photo Contest!

We encourage you to share YOUR unique photographs highlighting the people, places, and wildlife you are dedicated to safeguarding. The winning photo and honorable mentions will be showcased in the September issue of Population Connection, our quarterly magazine!

As a supporter of Population Connection, you are uniquely dedicated to enhancing the welfare of individuals and safeguarding the planet and its inhabitants. We invite you to share your enthusiasm for preserving the harmony between humanity and the rest of the living world by sending us your captivating photos of natural landscapes, diverse cultures, and fascinating wildlife.

Contact our Membership Relations Team at engage@popconnect.org or at 202-973-7723 if you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the contest.

Explore some of the amazing photographs members submitted for more inspiration!

2022 Submissions 2023 Submissions

Photo Guidelines

We’re looking for quality photographs to feature on our website and in our newsletters. The winning image will be featured in our upcoming (September 2023) magazine issue.

  • Please upload your image as a PNG or JPG file

  • Minimum photo size: 1500 px X 1200 px

  • Your photo’s date, location, and description need to be included


Photo of a towering sandstone butte in Monument Valley, Arizona submitted by Pamela Duncan

Submitted By: Pamela Duncan

Contest Rules

We’re interested in photos highlighting Earth’s natural beauty, showcasing different cultures, and capturing flora and fauna in their natural habitats.

  • Submit your photos by World Population Day on Tuesday, July 11, 2023.

  • Participants can submit as many photo entries as they like.

  • By entering your photo in the contest, you confirm that the submitted image(s) are your own creation and that no other individual or party has any rights or claims to the image(s).

  • Your submission permits us to distribute the image across our various media platforms. We cannot be held responsible for the misuse of your photo by a third party. If this is a concern, we encourage you to copyright your image with a watermark (small and not covering important parts of the image, please!) to establish ownership.


Photo of a fox spotted at Mason Neck State Park in Virginia submitted by Kris Gulden

A fox spotted at Mason Neck State Park, in Lorton, Virginia. Submitted By: Kris Gulden