

Editor's Note, September 2020

August 31, 2020 | Articles

As our country contends with its hideously violent and unjust history (and present, as recent incidents illuminate) toward Black people, we should also be examining our national attitude toward equity and inclusion abroad—especially in the poorest countries on earth, most of which happen to be located in sub-Saharan Africa. —Equity…...

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Winners of the 2020 World of 7 Billion International Student Video Contest Announced

August 31, 2020 | Articles

Eighteen talented middle and high school students have taken a top spot in the 2019-2020 World of 7 Billion student video contest for their videos about the effects of human population growth on climate resiliency, economic opportunities, and water systems. The winners tackled topics ranging from microfinance and urban sanitation…...

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Pandemic Persists, But So Does #Fight4HER

August 31, 2020 | Articles

COVID-19 has posed new, immense challenges for nearly everyone around the world. While we reckon with the serious health implications of the global pandemic, right-wing politicians are exploiting the crisis to advance their anti-abortion agenda. Several states across the country have used the pandemic to put forward dangerous abortion bans.…...

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Countdown to November Begins

August 31, 2020 | Articles

With coronavirus cases continuing to surge nationwide, a faltering economy, and an election on the horizon, there are a great many demands on legislators’ time and attention. Nevertheless, both supporters and opponents of U.S. family planning programs—at every level of government—continue to make time for this fight. A Win and…...

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Very Virtual (for Now)

August 31, 2020 | Articles

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 earlier this year, Membership Relations has shifted gears, transitioning all in-person events to virtual gatherings. As we self-isolate, we still want to provide our members with engaging opportunities with our organization. Thank you all for your participation and support as we’ve made the transition. We…...

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The 'Cradle Catholic' Promoting Family Planning in Ghana

August 31, 2020 | Articles

Originally published by The New York Times on May 22, 2020 Dr. Leticia Adelaide Appiah is determined to slow her conservative country’s birth rate by any means, including contraception. Not everyone is pleased. On the last Sunday before Lent, Dr. Leticia Adelaide Appiah was up early and the first to…...

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We Know What Works, So Let's Do It: Support Voluntary Family Planning

August 31, 2020 | Articles

A family planning patient in Senegal shows off her new contraceptive implant. Photo by Clément Tardif for IntraHealth International I grew up in Senegal, a country in the Sahel region in West Africa. Senegal is what we in the global health community might call “pronatalist,” meaning that people prefer large…...

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Empowering Women Lies at the Center of Controlling Population Growth in Africa

August 31, 2020 | Articles

Originally published by The Conversation on September 20, 2018 I think about the future of my continent in terms of three questions: Are Africans healthy? Do they have access to a good education? And do they have opportunities to apply their skills? Millions more Africans have been able to answer…...

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Editorial Excerpts, September 2020

August 31, 2020 | Articles

The Supreme Court struck down an onerous and unnecessary Louisiana restriction on abortion, offering a striking rebuke to the state for passing the same version of a law the high court ruled was unconstitutional four years ago. In a 5-4 decision in June Medical Services L.L.C. vs. Russo, the court…...

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Letters to the Editor, June 2020

June 1, 2020 | Articles

I know I am “preaching to the choir,” but I just read a disturbing article in Scientific American* relating the emergence of the virus responsible for COVID-19 to habitat destruction. I felt compelled to share this with someone who might understand, and who other than your organization. What was almost…...

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