

America’s voice for population stabilization

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What if declining birth rates are the key to enabling sustainable economies?

May 8, 2024 | Post

The idea of an economic system in which people and a healthy environment matter more than money appeals to large parts of the general public, but not so much to decision-makers who are chained to the interests of big industry. This is a problem, as we cannot achieve the necessary…...

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Re: The ideal number of kids in a family: Four (at a minimum)

May 6, 2024 | Post

The Washington Post recently ran a bizarre op-ed arguing that large families are better. We expressed our disagreement with a letter to the editor but it wasn't published, so we are featuring it below. We encourage all our members and supporters to make their voices heard! See our media guide…...

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Earth Day every day: Four things we must do to be better Earthlings

April 22, 2024 | Post

The very first Earth Day helped launch the modern environmental movement, but humanity’s onslaught on the planet is sadly worse than ever before because we’ve failed to tackle the root problems. Let’s explore these issues as well as four cognitive shifts necessary to building a better future. Five decades of…...

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We need to talk about our food footprint

April 4, 2024 | Post

Our numbers, what we choose to eat, and how much food we waste, have a huge impact on our planet. Global food systems are leading drivers of our environmental crises, including climate change, water overextraction, deforestation, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Shrinking our food footprint is a prerequisite to a livable…...

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What has happened to funding for international family planning?

March 22, 2024 | Post

Funding for international family planning programs has stalled, while the number of women in need of contraception keeps growing. Empowering women to choose whether and when to get pregnant is key to fulfilling basic human rights and generates unmatched benefits across all areas of development. So why aren’t governments prioritizing…...

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Re: An American Slowdown

March 22, 2024 | Post

The New York Times recently published an article about slowing population growth in the United States. We responded with a letter to the editor which we are featuring here as the Times did not publish it. We encourage all our members and supporters to make their voices heard! See our…...

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What are the top countries for gender equality?

March 8, 2024 | Post

The world is still far from achieving gender equality, with some countries doing a lot better than others. On International Women’s Day, we take a look at which nations have the highest gender equity scores based on reproductive health, education, as well as participation in the labor market and decision-making.…...

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IVF support from “pro-lifers” reveals their insidious motivations

February 29, 2024 | Post

A recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling based on absurd abortion ban logic risks taking away people’s right to in vitro fertilization (IVF) services. In response to the ruling, many anti-choice politicians, including Donald Trump, rushed to declare their support for IVF, demonstrating that their “pro-life” stance is motivated primarily by…...

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Report: Mounting threats to migratory species

February 16, 2024 | Post

A new UN report found that one in five assessed migratory animals are threatened with extinction due to human activities. The main drivers of decline are habitat loss and overexploitation, but pollution and climate change represent additional major and growing threats. What is a migratory species? If you live in…...

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Are we nearing global collapse?

February 5, 2024 | Post

A 1970s publication caused a big stir when it showed that continuing on business-as-usual population and consumption growth trajectories would likely lead to societal collapse within a century. Were the scientists behind it right? A major scientific warning If you’re a Population Connection supporter, you’re most likely familiar with The…...

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