

America’s voice for population stabilization

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Scientists Call for Population Stabilization—and Gradual Reduction—to Mitigate "Climate Emergency"

November 6, 2019 | Post

Over 11,000 scientists from 153 countries signed on to an article—"World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency"—published in BioScience yesterday, declaring that we're facing a "climate emergency." Prominent climate scientist James Hansen is among the signatories. It's a short piece, published in the "Viewpoint" section of the academic journal, and…...

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2019 Summer of HER

August 29, 2019 | Post

In June, we kicked off the 2019 Summer of HER (Health, Empowerment, and Rights) Activist Institute. We’re thrilled to be spending the summer developing activists who can lead the #Fight4HER across the country. Fellows, under the direction of our standout field organizers, will spend the summer learning essential organizing skills…...

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We Need to Save the Bugs — Even the Ones That Bite

August 12, 2019 | Post

They’re one of earth’s smallest species, but they’re at the center of one of this century’s biggest environmental crises: insects. These little creepy-crawlies are dying out rapidly. Even more concerning? Not many people care. Recently, people have started thinking about the bees and what their disappearance means for our agricultural…...

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World Population Day 2019

July 3, 2019 | Post

July 11, 2019, marks 30 years of observing World Population Day. Since the first World Population Day, in 1989, a lot has changed. Global population had just reached the 5 billion milestone two years earlier. China’s draconian one-child policy was in full force. The HIV/AIDS crisis was in its early…...

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Want to Save the Planet? Invest in Family Planning.

June 17, 2019 | Post

Universal access to the full spectrum of reproductive care is both a human right and a sustainability imperative. Research shows that slowing global population growth has substantial implications for mitigating climate change, by reducing future carbon emissions by 16-29%. In fact, the impacts of slower population growth are so expansive…...

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Avengers: Endgame and The Snap: Did Thanos Get It Right?

May 21, 2019 | Post

This post contains spoilers for multiple Avengers movies, including Endgame. Seriously, you’ve been warned. We’ve been talking about writing an Avengers: Endgame post for a few weeks now, given the obvious thematic connection to our work on global population growth. We haven’t done it until now because, the internet being…...

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Human Activities Threaten Up to 1 Million Species With Extinction

May 7, 2019 | Post

The UN just presented a teaser of its most comprehensive report on biodiversity since 2005, and the central point it makes is devastating: Up to a million plant and animal species are threatened with extinction, and human activity is to blame. Changes in land and sea use, direct species exploitation,…...

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2019 Capitol Hill Days

April 4, 2019 | Post

This past weekend, nearly 350 people from all over the country came to Washington, DC, to fight for reproductive rights around the world. The program started on Friday afternoon with a rally outside the White House, where fired up young people chanted slogans and cheered for speakers including Melvine Ouyo, a former…...

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Bipartisan Support for Family Planning Used to Be a Thing. What Happened?

January 24, 2019 | Post

One of the most polarizing issues facing the U.S. today centers around women’s reproductive health and family planning services. In fact, the mainstream Republican agenda is in complete ideological opposition to family planning, and has gone so far as to label it immoral. But a quick look back in time…...

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What Fertility Rates in Africa Tell Us About Global Development

October 19, 2018 | Post

“The key thing you can do to reduce population growth is actually [to] improve health.” – Bill Gates The UN estimates that world population is projected to reach 9.8 billion people by 2050 – an increase of over two billion people in just thirty years. If you’re concerned about the…...

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