

America’s voice for population stabilization

Keep up with our blog to stay informed on all the latest population-related news and developments!

A Retrospective on Wildfire Regimes, Human Activities, and Population

August 5, 2021 | Post

I had never heard of a “fire season” before coming to Northern California. I grew up in Massachusetts, and my initial understanding of the Golden State’s weather patterns was similar to that of the popular Mark Twain quote: “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.”…...

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Deforestation and fossil fuel consumption drive climate change

July 28, 2021 | Post

Forests cover around 30% of our planet—and if you’re reading this post, you yourself might live close enough to wooded areas to take them for granted. However, as with many of our natural resources, the future of our forests is in peril. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of…...

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Water Scarcity Halts Development in Utah, Nation's Fastest Growing State

July 22, 2021 | Post

I read this article about drought in Utah from my home office in Maine during a thunderstorm so severe it sent my dog under the bed in hiding. I had just finished grumbling to my husband about having watered the garden that morning, since the forecast only showed a 50%…...

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Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All Means SRHR for People with Disabilities, Too

July 12, 2021 | Post

Happy Disability Pride Month! Globally, about 15%, or one billion people, experience some form of disability. Eighty percent of people with disabilities live in low- and middle-income countries, and 20% of the poorest people living in these countries have a disability. This month, we’re celebrating uniqueness and diversity in their…...

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Pandemic-Era Pregnancy Prevention

July 8, 2021 | Post

In a country where the majority of health care coverage is tied to people's employment, job losses due to Covid-19—which have predominantly impacted women and their families—have disrupted access to reproductive health care. According to the Center for American Progress, during the first ten months of the pandemic-induced recession, women—overwhelmingly…...

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What Is the Carrying Capacity of Earth?

May 14, 2021 | Post

Alex Casey, Communications Fellow, reports on a conversation she had with Joel E. Cohen, author of How Many People Can the Earth Support? What Does Carrying Capacity Mean? [caption id="attachment_2489" align="alignleft" width="191"] Joel Cohen on March 2, 2011 | © El Programa DIA, Desarrollo de Inteligencia a través del arte[/caption]…...

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Ten Population and Environment Connections

April 13, 2021 | Post

Human caused environmental changes, while felt everywhere, manifest differently by location. A forest you once explored on the periphery of New York State’s Adirondack Park may have large clearings from decreased fracking regulations—a relic from the Trump administration. You may have been ordered to evacuate your coastal home on the…...

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2021 Digital Capitol Hill Days

March 31, 2021 | Post

The pandemic has drastically elucidated the vast inequities within the global public health sphere, particularly crippling access to comprehensive reproductive health care. Our commitment to fighting for reproductive rights and health- albeit digitally-remains unwavering. With a year of virtually gathering experience under our belt, we approached our annual advocacy event,…...

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Making Population Connections in Our Crowded Hectic World

March 11, 2021 | Post

We don’t talk about population issues to a classroom of fifth-graders the same way we would at a retirement community—although our core population stabilization message is always there. Closing gaps between what we intend to say and what others may hear requires an understanding of what others bring to the…...

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21 Reasons We Need Population Stabilization in 2021

January 8, 2021 | Post

2020—the most abysmal year in recent memory—has finally come to an end. Now that we’re onto a new year with a new presidential administration, a new Congress, and a new COVID-19 vaccine, we can set our sights on brighter days (although this week’s sedition attempt was certainly a rough start…...

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