

America’s voice for population stabilization

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Making Population Connections in Our Crowded Hectic World

March 11, 2021 | Post

We don’t talk about population issues to a classroom of fifth-graders the same way we would at a retirement community—although our core population stabilization message is always there. Closing gaps between what we intend to say and what others may hear requires an understanding of what others bring to the…...

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21 Reasons We Need Population Stabilization in 2021

January 8, 2021 | Post

2020—the most abysmal year in recent memory—has finally come to an end. Now that we’re onto a new year with a new presidential administration, a new Congress, and a new COVID-19 vaccine, we can set our sights on brighter days (although this week’s sedition attempt was certainly a rough start…...

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2020 Summer of HER

September 2, 2020 | Post

On August 29, we wrapped up another successful Summer of HER with #Fight4HER’s 3rd annual HER Summit. Unlike in previous years, when we’ve gathered in person, this year was completely digital, with two separate summits for eastern and western states. Even so, over 400 dedicated #Fight4HER activists from across the…...

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High Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa

July 8, 2020 | Post

The African continent is home to approximately 1.34 billion people, and that number is about to get much larger. Because of high fertility rates in many African countries, the continent has the highest rate of population growth in the world: 2.5% per year. Though fertility rates are high throughout the…...

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We Can't Fight for Reproductive Rights Without Confronting Racial Injustice

June 10, 2020 | Post

Over the past two weeks, we have witnessed an incredible outpouring of highly justified protest against racial injustice following the brutal murders by police of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. These crimes are stark reminders that despite progress, the world we live in is still profoundly unjust. As a white…...

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Conference Call With Population Connection Members to Discuss Population Growth and Pandemics

May 4, 2020 | Post

Population Connection · John Seager COVID-19 Presentation Note: The audio in John’s presentation scrambles for a bit a couple minutes in (working from home has its tech challenges)—please skip ahead and continue listening! During the Q+A, there were many great questions that John wasn't able to answer because of time…...

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Earth Day Events Replaced with VIRTUAL 22-Day Challenge

April 22, 2020 | Post

The coronavirus pandemic canceled in-person events for Earth Day 2020 — the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day — so we asked supporters to participate from home by taking our Earth Day Challenge! Beginning on April 1, we asked participants to consider one challenge each day to reduce their individual…...

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2020 Digital Capitol Hill Days

March 24, 2020 | Post

The Chilling Effect: How the U.S. exports its anti-choice agenda Melvine Ouyo, #Fight4HER Advocate Dickson Okong'o, Executive Director, STRETCHERS Samantha Luffy, Policy Research Associate, CHANGE Mark Hathaway MD, MPH, Family Planning and Reproductive Health Technical Advisor, MCSP/Jhpiego (and Population Connection board member) Reproductive Justice in Global Contexts Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng,…...

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COVID-19: Pandemics and Population Growth

March 20, 2020 | Post

All any of us are reading about these days is the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The Democratic Primary? Harry and Meghan ditching their royal crowns and moving to Canada? It truly seems as if those previously all-consuming stories have been forgotten and replaced with articles about TP altercations, sports cancellations, and…...

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World Wildlife Day 2020: Sustaining All Life on Earth

March 3, 2020 | Post

More than a billion animals died in Australia’s bushfires over the past few months. Animals including koalas, kangaroos, and wallabies—cute, furry marsupials that the world adores. The public outpouring of support to rehabilitate the injured animals that survived the fires has been inspiring. Extrapolating on my own experience, the grief…...

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