

America’s voice for population stabilization

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What are the top countries for gender equality?

March 8, 2024 | Post

The world is still far from achieving gender equality, with some countries doing a lot better than others. On International Women’s Day, we take a look at which nations have the highest gender equity scores based on reproductive health, education, as well as participation in the labor market and decision-making.…...

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IVF support from “pro-lifers” reveals their insidious motivations

February 29, 2024 | Post

A recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling based on absurd abortion ban logic risks taking away people’s right to in vitro fertilization (IVF) services. In response to the ruling, many anti-choice politicians, including Donald Trump, rushed to declare their support for IVF, demonstrating that their “pro-life” stance is motivated primarily by…...

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Report: Mounting threats to migratory species

February 16, 2024 | Post

A new UN report found that one in five assessed migratory animals are threatened with extinction due to human activities. The main drivers of decline are habitat loss and overexploitation, but pollution and climate change represent additional major and growing threats. What is a migratory species? If you live in…...

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Are we nearing global collapse?

February 5, 2024 | Post

A 1970s publication caused a big stir when it showed that continuing on business-as-usual population and consumption growth trajectories would likely lead to societal collapse within a century. Were the scientists behind it right? A major scientific warning If you’re a Population Connection supporter, you’re most likely familiar with The…...

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The truth about “baby busts” and population decline

January 16, 2024 | Post

Media stories on “baby busts” and “population collapse” abound, fueled by the fearmongering of pronatalist influencers who believe birth rates are too low. As a result, many people erroneously think our global population is in freefall, or even that humanity is heading towards extinction because people are having smaller families.…...

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An honest reflection on positive news, with a dash of hope

December 29, 2023 | Post

Dear reader, as environmental and humanitarian news is generally very depressing, I wanted my final blog post of 2023 to be a summary of major global trends that are moving in the right direction. Collecting examples proved harder than anticipated, because for many widely touted success stories, progress has sadly…...

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COP28: What were the outcomes?

December 19, 2023 | Post

Following two weeks of negotiations, the COP28 climate conference attended by delegates from almost 200 nations wrapped up in Dubai on Wednesday, December 13. Let’s take a quick look at what was agreed upon. For those with short attention spans, here’s a tl;dr: Is the COP28 agreement sufficient to meet…...

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How the spread of conservative pronatalism threatens women’s hard-won rights

December 12, 2023 | Post

With birth rates declining across the world as women gain more choices over their bodies and lives, governments and certain influencers are increasingly expressing concern over a supposed shortage of babies. Pronatalism (aka natalism), a political ideology that promotes childbirth, is gaining traction, and in its most conservative forms, presents…...

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Facts about the climate crisis that may surprise you

December 1, 2023 | Post

How much do different countries, sectors, and income groups contribute to climate change? Who are the biggest culprits? What are the top climate solutions? You might think you already know the answers to these questions, but you may be surprised. As this year’s most important international climate meeting kicks off…...

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How is climate change affecting family size decisions?

November 16, 2023 | Post

A new study is the first to empirically investigate the relationship between climate change concern and family size. The findings indicate that, unsurprisingly, increased concern is typically associated with less positive attitudes toward reproduction and an intention to have fewer or no children, but there are some interesting exceptions. Small…...

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