

America’s voice for population stabilization

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What Population Growth and the 'Megadrought' Mean for U.S. Water Supplies

June 17, 2022 | Post

Water is an essential resource for all life on Earth, yet our rapidly growing population, combined with worsening climate change, is threatening fresh water supplies. While water scarcity is hitting the world’s most vulnerable communities the hardest, wealthy countries are not spared. On World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought,…...

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Re: The People Who Hate People

June 8, 2022 | Post

We were dismayed at Jerusalem Demsas’ op-ed "The People Who Hate People," published in The Atlantic last month. Not only does it contain misinformation and reinforce harmful myths about people who are concerned about population growth, it also makes unjustified accusations against Zero Population Growth, Population Connection's founding name. We…...

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World Environment Day 2022: Still Only One Earth

June 4, 2022 | Post

June 5th marks World Environment Day, a United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) initiative to raise awareness of and inspire action on environmental issues. It’s been 50 years since the seminal 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, which sparked the first World Environment Day celebration in 1973 with…...

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Megacities, Megarisks: How Population Growth and Climate Change Increase Vulnerability in the World’s Largest Cities

May 20, 2022 | Post

In 1975, the world had three cities with more than 10 million people, also known as megacities: Tokyo, New York City, and Mexico City. Today, there are 33 megacities, 27 of which are located in developing countries. Nine of the ten cities projected to become megacities by 2030 will be…...

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2022 Digital Capitol Hill Days

March 31, 2022 | Post

Population Connection and Population Connection Action Fund hosted Capitol Hill Days, our annual advocacy conference, from March 16– 21. It was an incredible six days! At a time when reproductive rights are increasingly under attack, our guest speakers gave us the hope and the fire to continue fighting. Over the…...

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China to Reach Peak Population in 2022

March 23, 2022 | Post

The year of the water tiger is looking like it could be the one to see China’s population peak. Projections by various agencies and organizations differ somewhat, but they all agree that the end of China’s reign as the world’s most populous country is near. Within the next few years,…...

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New UN Report: Global Population Growth and Sustainable Development

March 10, 2022 | Post

“During 2020, the world’s population increased by 81 million people, adding to the demand for food, housing, infrastructure, services and decent work, and increasing the pressure on the environment.” That’s a sentence from page 22 of a new report[1] from the United Nations Population Division. The authors of Global Population…...

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"Ideal Family Size" Does Not Equal Desired Fertility

January 21, 2022 | Post

There’s been much written since the 2020 Census and 2020 CDC births data were released, about desired vs. actual fertility, i.e. how many children Americans say is ideal vs. how many they themselves end up having by the time their reproductive years have ended. The tone of these articles (examples…...

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People Should Make Their Own Childbearing Decisions, Without Interference From Public Figures

January 19, 2022 | Post

There is nothing women love more than being given reproductive advice from men who have no idea what they’re talking about. Pope Francis’ and Elon Musk’s recent comments that encouraged people to have more children for religious and economic reasons are of that variety.  There is something comically ironic about…...

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Single-Use Plastic Threatens Global Climate Goals

December 9, 2021 | Post

Recently, I was browsing through actor/activist Jane Fonda’s Instagram account and stumbled across a very interesting post. She was bringing awareness to an investigative report by Greenpeace that highlights how consumer brands are currently enabling the expansion of single-use plastic production, contributing to climate change. According to the report, Coca-Cola,…...

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