

America’s voice for population stabilization

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2018 Capitol Hill Days

March 20, 2018 | Post

We had 350 activists storm D.C. for the weekend to speak out against Trump’s Global Gag Rule, and to urge their elected officials to support the Global HER Act and a $1.2 billion U.S. investment in international family planning — including $70 million for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).…...

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Should the United States Should Stop Incentivizing Childbearing with Tax Advantages?

May 19, 2017 | Post

If so, it’s not a hill we’re willing to die on. We are often asked why we don’t lobby for an end to “government incentives for people to have children.” Some believe that the tax breaks people get in the United States might lead them to have more children than…...

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Whatever Happened to “ZPG?”

April 7, 2017 | Post

We sometimes hear from our members and supporters that they liked our old name—Zero Population Growth (ZPG)—better. It felt more descriptive of our mission, was more action-oriented, and seemed more urgent. Don’t fix what ain’t broke, right? Well, the truth is, what started out as an effective name DID start…...

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Reproductive Justice Belongs to Everyone

February 17, 2017 | Post

Access to modern contraceptives is a universal human right—women everywhere, no matter their circumstances, deserve the dignity of controlling their own fertility. However, access remains uneven at best. An estimated 214 million women in the developing world who would like to delay or avoid childbirth are unable to do so.…...

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Are Coercive Population Policies Ever Warranted?

February 7, 2017 | Post

How about I answer that question with a question: Are you comfortable with your government deciding how many children you may have, and also how any births beyond that number will be prevented? We aren’t either. No government is ever justified in dictating the number of children its citizens may…...

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Teen Pregnancy Leads to Early Marriage in Many Countries, Study Finds

September 28, 2016 | Post

What does poverty mean for young people in the developing world? For far too many girls it means adolescent sexual activity—often transactional—followed by pregnancy and early marriage. An estimated 15 million girls are married before their 18th birthdays each year—that’s 28 girls every minute. A recent study conducted by the…...

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Many Women in Developing Countries Don’t Use Contraception. Why?

July 21, 2016 | Post

More than 225 million women in the developing world live with an unmet need for contraceptives. A new report by the Guttmacher Institute has some answers as to why, and they might surprise you. The Demographic and Health Survey asked women in 52 countries to specify all of the reasons…...

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Social Justice Requires Family Planning

February 20, 2015 | Post

What do poverty elimination, gender equality, and educational and health equity have in common? None of them can be fully realized until everyone around the world has the ability to plan their pregnancies. In other words, social justice requires universal access to family planning. And what better time to reflect…...

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African Urbanization

January 28, 2015 | Post

As world population continues to grow, an increasing number of people are moving to cities in hope of securing better living conditions, higher quality educations and greater economic opportunities. For the first time in human history, half of the world’s population lived in towns and cities in 2008. Africa is…...

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Population Growth and Food Insecurity

January 28, 2015 | Post

In 2011, drought struck the Horn of Africa, sparking widespread food shortages. An estimated 13 million people in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya faced persistent hunger, which killed between 50,000 and 100,000 people—half of whom were children under five. According to UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, Valerie Amos, it was East Africa’s…...

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