World Population Day 2023

The United Nations commemorated the first World Population Day on July 11, 1990. World Population Day has been observed every year since then to increase public awareness of global population challenges.

In November 2022, our global population surpassed the 8 billion mark. Our rapidly growing population threatens the survival and well-being of humans and hundreds of thousands of other species on this planet.

This year, and always, we advocate for reproductive freedom and bodily autonomy for everyone, everywhere, so that we can begin to bend the population curve back down to a sustainable level through voluntary access to family planning.

Five reasons to stop panicking over low birth rates

There are many misconceptions about demographic trends and their implications. Even though our global population soared past the 8 billion mark last November and is projected to keep growing to over 10 billion in the 2080s, population coverage in the media is currently dominated by concern about a supposed “baby bust.”

Read the Full Article Here

Elon Musk is wrong: A “baby bust” is the opposite of our problem

Misinformation about demographic trends abounds thanks to increasingly common “baby bust” rhetoric fueled by people like Elon Musk, who has repeatedly claimed that low birth rates present the biggest threat to civilization.

Read the Full Statement Here

Low Birth Rates: Good for the Planet, Good for People

We marked World Population Day with our communications team: Marian Starkey, Hannah Evans, and Olivia Nater!

Low birth rates and increasing longevity in many countries mean populations are getting older, and economists and governments are needlessly panicking. Our communications team discussed why low fertility is here to stay, outlined the many environmental benefits of slower population growth, and identified potential accommodations to the economic challenges presented by population aging.

Presentation Date: July 11th, 2023


Meet our communications team

Marian Starkey

Vice President for Communications

Hannah Evans

Senior Analyst

Olivia Nater

Communications Manager

Media Coverage on Population Issues

Through opinion articles, letters to the editor, and press releases, our communications team works diligently to respond to media reports on population challenges. Media coverage is often misleading and tends to present a “birth dearth” perspective—we regularly dispute false narratives and introduce readers to a sustainable population perspective.

Read Our Latest Coverage Here

Shifting the Narrative: Population Issues in the News

Media narratives about population issues frequently contain inaccuracies or misleading information, often perpetuating prevalent myths and misconceptions. In response to such articles, our typical course of action is to write a letter to the editor to express our perspective. When we come across an exceptionally well-executed piece, we happily voice our support. In addition, we actively disseminate press releases, submit opinion pieces to external media platforms, and partake in occasional interviews, all with the aim of raising awareness regarding population challenges and potential solutions.

Explore Our Media Guide

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UN survey shows overpopulation concerns are widespread

A UN-commissioned survey on people’s perceptions of human population size revealed that the most commonly held belief is that our population is too large. The findings were reported in UNFPA’s…

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One year since the devastating Dobbs ruling: Where are we now?

On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, overturning the constitutional right to abortion. The ruling came…

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Global Solutions for a World of 8 Billion

Female Empowerment

Empowering women and girls is one of the most effective sustainable development levers, yet women’s rights sadly remain severely underfunded. When people, in particular women and girls, gain access to health care and education, they also gain political, economic, and social power. This facilitates economic growth, improves health and livelihoods, and delivers higher levels of bodily autonomy.

Solutions Through Girls' Empowerment

Girls' Education

Having the opportunity to receive an education improves young girls’ economic prospects and reduces their risk of child marriage and early pregnancy. When combined with safe, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, educational opportunities can significantly reduce maternal and child mortality, unintended pregnancies, and unsafe abortions.

Solutions Through Girls' Education

Reproductive Health and Rights

Access to comprehensive reproductive health care is recognized internationally as a human right and plays an essential component of sustainable development initiatives worldwide. Expanding access to family planning services yields myriad social, economic, and environmental benefits and is vital for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, including for climate action.

Solutions Through Reproductive Health

More Ways to Get Involved!

Share your #MyPopNumber with us for a chance to be featured on our website or social media!

Find Your #MyPopNumber Here!

Are you passionate about population stabilization? Do you wish your community members were too? Use your knowledge and enthusiasm to spread the word by writing to your local newspaper or sharing information on social media. Read on for expert tips on getting the most out of your outreach efforts!

Check Out Our Media Guide

Population Education (PopEd) provides K-12 teachers with innovative, hands-on lesson plans and professional development to teach about human population growth and its effects on the environment and human well-being. As the only national program for teachers that focuses on human population issues, PopEd fills an important need within U.S. classrooms.

Explore Our Resources

Raise your voice! When you join with other constituents in contacting your members of Congress, you become part of a powerful movement advocating for increased funding for international family planning. Signing petitions and making phone calls directly to your elected representatives are two ways you can join our nationwide grassroots network of activists.

Learn About Our Policy Priorities

Invite Hannah Evans, Senior Analyst, to your classroom or group! By including population trends and dynamics in higher education, we can prepare tomorrow’s professionals to work toward cost-effective, rights-based solutions to climate change and other environmental challenges—namely, voluntary family planning and girls’ education.

Contact Hannah

Since 2016, we have supported grassroots organizations that remove barriers to girls’ education, improve access to public health and family planning services, and conserve wildlife. Our grants and donations have made a significant impact, and in 2022, we expanded this program. We are thrilled to showcase the remarkable work of these organizations!

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